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Instruments (ar)
الأهداف المقاصد الآليات وصف المقال
الحياة علي الأرض

15. الحياة علي الأرض


اتخاذ إجراءات عاجلة لوقف الصيد غير المشروع للأنواع المحمية من النباتات والحيوانات والاتجار فيها، والتصدي لمنتجات الأحياء البرية غير المشروعة، على مستويي العرض والطلب على السواء.

Indicators (ar)
  • 15.7.1
    Proportion of traded wildlife that was poached or illicitly trafficked
Escazú Agreement
Regional Agreement on Access to Information, Public Participation and Justice in Environmental Matters in Latin America and the Caribbean
scientific, technical or technological reports, studies and information on environmental matters produced by academic and research institutions, whether public or private, national or foreign;
With respect to the environmental decision-making processes referred to in paragraph 2 of the present article, as a minimum, the following information shall be made public:
a description of the area of influence and physical and technical characteristics of the proposed project or activity;
a summary of (a), (b) and (c) of the present paragraph in comprehensible, non-technical language;
the public reports and opinions of the involved entities addressed to the public authority related to the project or activity under consideration;
a description of the main environmental impacts of the project or activity and, as appropriate, the cumulative environmental impact;
a description of the measures foreseen with respect to those impacts;
a description of the available technologies to be used and alternative locations for executing the project or activity subject to assessment, when the information is available; and
actions taken to monitor the implementation and results of environmental impact assessment measures.
The aforementioned information shall be made available free of charge to the public in accordance with paragraph 17 of article 5 of the present Agreement.
The Parties shall cooperate to strengthen their national capacities with the aim of implementing the present Agreement in an effective manner.
Protocol of San Salvador
Additional Protocol to the American Convention on Human Rights in the Area of Economic, Social and Cultural rights (Protocol of San Salvador)
The States Parties shall promote the protection, preservation, and improvement of the environment.
اتفاقية التنوع البيولوجي
اتفاقية التنوع البيولوجي
Each Contracting Party shall, as far as possible and as appropriate:
Develop, where necessary, guidelines for the selection, establishment and management of protected areas or areas where special measures need to be taken to conserve biological diversity;
Promote the protection of ecosystems, natural habitats and the maintenance of viable populations of species in natural surroundings;
Rehabilitate and restore degraded ecosystems and promote the recovery of threatened species, inter alia, through the development and implementation of plans or other management strategies;
Establish a system of protected areas or areas where special measures need to be taken to conserve biological diversity;
Each Contracting Party shall, as far as possible and as appropriate, cooperate with other Contracting Parties, directly or. where appropriate, through competent international organizations, in respect of areas beyond
national jurisdiction and on other matters of mutual interest, for the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity.
Develop or maintain necessary legislation and/or other regulatory provisions for the protection of threatened species and populations
اتفاقية رامسار بشأن الأراضي الرطبة ذات الأهمية الدولية وخاصة بوصفها موئلاً للطيور المائية
اتفاقية رامسار بشأن الأراضي الرطبة ذات الأهمية الدولية وخاصة بوصفها موئلاً للطيور المائية
Each Contracting Party shall promote the conservation of wetlands and waterfowl by establishing nature reserves on wetlands, whether they are included in the List or not, and provide adequately for their wardening.

اتخاذ تدابير لمنع إدخال الأنواع الغريبة الغازية إلى النظم الإيكولوجية للأراضي والمياه وتقليل أثر ذلك إلى حد كبير، ومراقبة الأنواع ذات الأولوية أو القضاء عليها، بحلول عام 2020.

Indicators (ar)
  • 15.8.1
    Proportion of countries adopting relevant national legislation and adequately resourcing the prevention or control of invasive alien species
Escazú Agreement
Regional Agreement on Access to Information, Public Participation and Justice in Environmental Matters in Latin America and the Caribbean
Each Party shall ensure the public’s right to participation and, for that purpose, commits to implement open and inclusive participation in environmental decision-making processes based on domestic and international normative frameworks.
The exercise of the right of access to environmental information includes:
being informed promptly whether the requested information is in possession or not of the competent authority receiving the request;
requesting and receiving information from competent authorities without mentioning any special interest or explaining the reasons for the request;
Each Party shall adopt the necessary measures, of a legislative, regulatory, administrative or any other nature, in the framework of its domestic provisions, to guarantee the implementation of the provisions of the present Agreement.
Each Party shall guarantee, to the extent possible within available resources, that the competent authorities generate, collect, publicize and disseminate environmental information relevant to their functions in a systematic, proactive, timely, regular, accessible and comprehensible manner, and periodically update this information and encourage the disaggregation and decentralization of environmental information at the subnational and local levels. Each Party shall strengthen coordination between the different authorities of the State.
Each Party shall facilitate access to environmental information for persons or groups in vulnerable situations, establishing procedures for the provision of assistance, from the formulation of requests through to the delivery of the information, taking into account their conditions and specificities, for the purpose of promoting access and participation under equal conditions.
Each Party shall guarantee that the above-mentioned persons or groups in vulnerable situations, including indigenous peoples and ethnic groups, receive assistance in preparing their requests and obtain a response.
Each Party shall have in place one or more up-to-date environmental information systems, which may include, inter alia:
being informed of the right to challenge and appeal when information is not delivered, and of the requirements for exercising this right.
scientific, technical or technological reports, studies and information on environmental matters produced by academic and research institutions, whether public or private, national or foreign;
With respect to the environmental decision-making processes referred to in paragraph 2 of the present article, as a minimum, the following information shall be made public:
a description of the area of influence and physical and technical characteristics of the proposed project or activity;
a summary of (a), (b) and (c) of the present paragraph in comprehensible, non-technical language;
the public reports and opinions of the involved entities addressed to the public authority related to the project or activity under consideration;
a description of the main environmental impacts of the project or activity and, as appropriate, the cumulative environmental impact;
a description of the measures foreseen with respect to those impacts;
a description of the available technologies to be used and alternative locations for executing the project or activity subject to assessment, when the information is available; and
actions taken to monitor the implementation and results of environmental impact assessment measures.
The aforementioned information shall be made available free of charge to the public in accordance with paragraph 17 of article 5 of the present Agreement.
The Parties shall cooperate to strengthen their national capacities with the aim of implementing the present Agreement in an effective manner.
Protocol of San Salvador
Additional Protocol to the American Convention on Human Rights in the Area of Economic, Social and Cultural rights (Protocol of San Salvador)
The States Parties shall promote the protection, preservation, and improvement of the environment.
اتفاقية التنوع البيولوجي
اتفاقية التنوع البيولوجي
Each Contracting Party shall, as far as possible and as appropriate:
Establish or maintain means to regulate, manage or control the risks associated with the use and release of living modified organisms resulting from biotechnology which are likely to have adverse environmental impacts that could affect the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity, taking also into account the risks to human health;
Prevent the introduction of, control or eradicate those alien species which threaten ecosystems, habitats or species;
اتفاقية رامسار بشأن الأراضي الرطبة ذات الأهمية الدولية وخاصة بوصفها موئلاً للطيور المائية
اتفاقية رامسار بشأن الأراضي الرطبة ذات الأهمية الدولية وخاصة بوصفها موئلاً للطيور المائية
The Contracting Parties shall formulate and implement their planning so as to promote the conservation of the wetlands included in the List, and as far as possible the wise use of wetlands in their territory.

إدماج قيم النظم الإيكولوجية والتنوع البيولوجي في عمليات التخطيط الوطني والمحلي، والعمليات الإنمائية، واستراتيجيات الحد من الفقر، والحسابات، بحلول عام 2020.

Indicators (ar)
  • 15.9.1
    (a) Number of countries that have established national targets in accordance with or similar to Aichi Biodiversity Target 2 of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011–2020 in their national biodiversity strategy and action plans and the progress reported towards these targets; and (b) integration of biodiversity into national accounting and reporting systems, defined as implementation of the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting
Escazú Agreement
Regional Agreement on Access to Information, Public Participation and Justice in Environmental Matters in Latin America and the Caribbean
Each Party shall ensure the public’s right to participation and, for that purpose, commits to implement open and inclusive participation in environmental decision-making processes based on domestic and international normative frameworks.
Each Party shall guarantee mechanisms for the participation of the public in decision-making processes, revisions, re-examinations or updates with respect to projects and activities, and in other processes for granting environmental permits that have or may have a significant impact on the environment, including when they may affect health.
Each Party shall adopt the necessary measures, of a legislative, regulatory, administrative or any other nature, in the framework of its domestic provisions, to guarantee the implementation of the provisions of the present Agreement.
Each Party shall establish or designate one or more impartial entities or institutions with autonomy and independence to promote transparency in access to environmental information, to oversee compliance with rules, and monitor, report on and guarantee the right of access to information. Each Party may consider including or strengthening, as appropriate, sanctioning powers within the scope of the responsibilities of the aforementioned entities or institutions.
Each Party shall guarantee, to the extent possible within available resources, that the competent authorities generate, collect, publicize and disseminate environmental information relevant to their functions in a systematic, proactive, timely, regular, accessible and comprehensible manner, and periodically update this information and encourage the disaggregation and decentralization of environmental information at the subnational and local levels. Each Party shall strengthen coordination between the different authorities of the State.
Each Party, in line with its capacities, may take, inter alia, the following measures:
develop specific measures for persons or groups in vulnerable situations, such as providing interpreters or translators in languages other than official languages when necessary;
acknowledge the importance of associations, organizations or groups that train the public on or raise public awareness of access rights;
train authorities and civil servants on environmental access rights;
develop and strengthen environmental law and access rights awareness-raising and capacity-building programmes for, inter alia, the public, judicial and administrative officials, national human rights institutions and jurists;
provide the competent institutions and entities with adequate equipment and resources;
promote education and training on, and raise public awareness of, environmental matters, through, inter alia, basic educational modules on access rights for students at all levels of education;
strengthen capabilities to collect, retain and evaluate environmental information.
الميثاق الأفريقي لحقوق الإنسان والشعوب
الميثاق الأفريقي لحقوق الإنسان والشعوب
States shall have the duty, individually or collectively, to ensure the exercise of the right to development.
All peoples shall have the right to a general satisfactory environment favourable to their development.
اتفاقية التنوع البيولوجي
اتفاقية التنوع البيولوجي
Each Contracting Party shall, in accordance with its particular conditions and capabilities:
Develop national strategies, plans or programmes for the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity or adapt for this purpose existing strategies, plans or programmes which shall reflect, inter alia, the measures set out in this Convention relevant to the Contracting Party concerned;
Integrate, as far as possible and as appropriate, the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity into relevant sectoral or cross-sectoral plans, programmes and policies.
Introduce appropriate procedures requiring environmental impact assessment of its proposed projects that are likeiy to have significant adverse effects on biological diversity with a view to avoiding or minimizing such effects and, where appropriate. allow for public participation in such procedures;
Introduce appropriate arrangements to ensure that the environmental consequences of its programmes and policies that are likely to have significant adverse impacts on biological diversity are duly taken into account;
Each Contracting Party shall, as far as possible and as appropriate:
Integrate consideration of the conservation and sustainable use of biological resources into national decision-making;
Each Contracting Party, as far as possible and as appropriate, shall:
اتفاقية اﻷمم المتحدة لمكافحة التصحر
اتفاقية اﻷمم المتحدة لمكافحة التصحر
تشجع الأطراف تنسيق الأنشطة املضطلع بها مبوجب هذه الاتفاقية، ومبوجب الاتفاقات الدولية الأخرى ذات الصلة، إذا كانت هي أطرافا فيها، ولا سيما الاتفاقية الإطارية للأمم املتحدة بشأن تغير املناخ واتفاقية التنوع الأحيائي (البيولوجي)، من أجل حتقيق أقصى فائدة من الأنشطة املضطلع بها مبوجب كل اتفاق مع جتنب ازدواج اجلهود. وتشجع الأطراف تنفيذ برامج مشتركة، ولا سيما في ميادين البحث والتدريب واملراقبة املنهجية وجمع وتبادل املعلومات، بقدر ما ميكن أن تسهم هذه الأنشطة في حتقيق أهداف الاتفاقات املعنية.
اتفاقية رامسار بشأن الأراضي الرطبة ذات الأهمية الدولية وخاصة بوصفها موئلاً للطيور المائية
اتفاقية رامسار بشأن الأراضي الرطبة ذات الأهمية الدولية وخاصة بوصفها موئلاً للطيور المائية
The Contracting Parties shall formulate and implement their planning so as to promote the conservation of the wetlands included in the List, and as far as possible the wise use of wetlands in their territory.

حشد الموارد المالية من جميع المصادر وزيادتها زيادة كبيرة بغرض حفظ التنوع البيولوجي والنظم الإيكولوجية واستخدامها استخداماً مستداماً.

Indicators (ar)
  • 15.a.1
    المساعدة الإنمائية الرسمية والنفقات العامة الموجهة لحفظ التنوع البيولوجي والنظم الإيكولوجية واستخدامها استخداما مستداما.
Protocol of San Salvador
Additional Protocol to the American Convention on Human Rights in the Area of Economic, Social and Cultural rights (Protocol of San Salvador)
The States Parties shall promote the protection, preservation, and improvement of the environment.
الميثاق الأفريقي لحقوق الإنسان والشعوب
الميثاق الأفريقي لحقوق الإنسان والشعوب
States shall have the duty, individually or collectively, to ensure the exercise of the right to development.
All peoples shall have the right to a general satisfactory environment favourable to their development.
بروتوكول الميثاق الأفريقي لحقوق الإنسان والشعوب بشأن حقوق المرأة
بروتوكول الميثاق الأفريقي لحقوق الإنسان والشعوب بشأن حقوق المرأة
ensure greater participation of women in the planning, management and preservation of the environment and the sustainable use of natural resources at all levels;
States Parties shall take all appropriate measures to:
States Parties undertake to adopt all necessary measures and in particular shall provide budgetary and other resources for the full and effective implementation of the rights herein recognised
اتفاقية التنوع البيولوجي
اتفاقية التنوع البيولوجي
Each Contracting Party undertakes to provide, in accordance with its capabilities, financial support and incentives in respect of those national activities which are intended to achieve the objectives of this Convention, in accordance with its national plans, priorities and programmes.
The developed country Parties shall provide new and additional financial resources to enable developing country Parties to meet the agreed full incremental costs to them of implementing measures which fulfil the obligations of this Convention and to benefit from its provisions and which costs are agreed between a developing country Party and the institutional structure referred to in Article 21, in accordance with policy, strategy, programme priorities and eligibility criteria and an indicative list of incremental costs established by the Conference of the Parties. Other Parties, including countries undergoing the process of transition to a market economy, may voluntarily assume the obligations of the developed country Parties. For the purpose of this Article, the Conference of the Parties, shall at its first meeting establish a list of developed country Parties and other Parties which voluntarily assume the obligations of the developed country Parties. The Conference of the Parties shall periodically review and if necessary amend the list. Contributions from other countries and sources on a voluntary basis would also be encouraged. The implementation of these commitments shall take into account the need for adequacy, predictability and timely flow of funds and the importance of burden-sharing among the contributing Parties included in the list.
The developed country Parties may also provide, and developing country Parties avail themselves of, financial resources related to the implementation of this Convention through bilateral, regional and other multilateral channels.
The extent to which developing country Parties will effectively implement their commitments under this Convention will depend on the effective implementat ion by developed country Parties of their commitments under this Convention related to financial resources and transfer of technology and will take fully into account the fact that economic and social development and eradication of poverty are the first and overriding priorities of the developing country Parties.
The Parties shall take full account of the specific needs and special situation of least developed countries in their actions with regard to funding and transfer of technology.
The Contracting Parties shall also take into consideration the special conditions resulting from the dependence on, distribution and location of biological diversity within developing country Parties, in particular small island States.
Consideration shall also be given to the special situation of developing countries, including those that are most environmentally vulnerable, such as those with arid and semi-arid zones, coastal and mountainous areas.
There shall be a mechanism for the provision of financial resources to developing country Parties for purposes of this Convention on a grant or concessional basis the essential elements of which are described in this Article. The mechanism shall function under the authority and guidance of, and be accountable to. the Conference of the Parties for purposes of this Convention. The operations of the mechanism shall be carried out by such institutional structure as may be decided upon by the Conference of the Parties at its first meeting. For purposes of this Convention, the Conference of the Parties shall determine the policy, strategy, programme priorities and eligibility criteria relating to the access to and utilization of such resources. The contributions shall be such as to take into account the need for predictability, adequacy and timely flow of funds referred to in Article 20 in accordance with the amount of resources needed to be decided periodically by the Conference of the Parties and the importance of burden-sharing among the contributing Parties included in the list referred to in Article 20, paragraph 2. Voluntary contributions may also be made by the developed country Parties and by other countries and sources. The mechanism shall operate within a democratic and transparent system of governance.
Pursuant to the objectives of this Convention, the Conference of the Parties shall at its first meeting determine the policy, strategy and programme priorities, as well as detailed criteria and guidelines for eligibility for access to and utilization of the financial resources including monitoring and evaluation on a regular basis of such utilization. The Conference of the Parties shall decide on the arrangements to give effect to paragraph 1 above after consultation with the institutional structure entrusted with the operation of the financial mechanism.
The Contracting Parties shall consider strengthening existing financial institutions to provide financial resources for the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity.
الإعلان العالمي لحقوق الإنسان
لكل فرد الحق في أن يشترك اشتراكاً حراً في حياة المجتمع الثقافي وفي الاستمتاع بالفنون والمساهمة في التقدم العلمي والاستفادة من نتائجه.
لكل فرد الحق في التمتع بنظام اجتماعي دولي تتحقق بمقتضاه الحقوق والحريات المنصوص عليها في هذا الإعلان تحققاً تاما.
العهد الدولي الخاص بالحقوق الاقتصادية والاجتماعية والثقافية
تقر الدول الأطراف في هذا العهد بحق كل شخص في مستوى معيشي كاف له ولأسرته، يوفر ما يفي بحاجتهم من الغذاء والكساء والمأوى، وبحقه في تحسين متواصل لظروفه المعيشية. وتتعهد الدول الأطراف باتخاذ التدابير اللازمة لإنفاذ هذا الحق، معترفة في هذا الصدد بالأهمية الأساسية للتعاون الدولي القائم على الارتضاء الحر.
تتعهد كل دولة طرف في هذا العهد بأن تتخذ، بمفردها وعن طريق المساعدة والتعاون الدوليين، ولا سيما على الصعيدين الاقتصادي والتقني، وبأقصى ما تسمح به مواردها المتاحة، ما يلزم من خطوات لضمان التمتع الفعلي التدريجي بالحقوق المعترف بها في هذا العهد، سالكة إلى ذلك جميع السبل المناسبة، وخصوصا سبيل اعتماد تدابير تشريعية.
أن يتمتع بفوائد التقدم العلمي وبتطبيقاته،
تراعى الدول الأطراف في هذا العهد، في التدابير التي ستتخذها بغية ضمان الممارسة الكاملة لهذا الحق، أن تشمل تلك التدابير التي تتطلبها صيانة العلم والثقافة وإنماؤهما وإشاعتهما.
تتعهد الدول الأطراف في هذا العهد باحترام الحرية التي لا غنى عنها للبحث العلمي والنشاط الإبداعي.
تقر الدول الأطراف في هذا العهد بالفوائد التي تجنى من تشجيع وإنماء الاتصال والتعاون الدوليين في ميداني العلم والثقافة.
إعلان الأمم المتحدة بشأن حقوق الشعوب الأصلية
للشعوب الأصلية الحق في الحصول على مساعدات مالية وتقنية من الدول وعن طريق التعاون الدولي، من أجل التمتع بالحقوق المنصوص عليها في هذا الإعلان.

حشد موارد كبيرة من جميع المصادر وعلى جميع المستويات بغرض تمويل الإدارة المستدامة للغابات وتوفير ما يكفي من الحوافز للبلدان النامية لتعزيز تلك الإدارة، بما في ذلك حفظ الغابات وإعادة زرع الغابات.

Indicators (ar)
  • 15.b.1
    (a) Official development assistance on conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity; and (b) revenue generated and finance mobilized from biodiversity-relevant economic instruments
Protocol of San Salvador
Additional Protocol to the American Convention on Human Rights in the Area of Economic, Social and Cultural rights (Protocol of San Salvador)
The States Parties shall promote the protection, preservation, and improvement of the environment.
الميثاق الأفريقي لحقوق الإنسان والشعوب
الميثاق الأفريقي لحقوق الإنسان والشعوب
States shall have the duty, individually or collectively, to ensure the exercise of the right to development.
All peoples shall have the right to a general satisfactory environment favourable to their development.
بروتوكول الميثاق الأفريقي لحقوق الإنسان والشعوب بشأن حقوق المرأة
بروتوكول الميثاق الأفريقي لحقوق الإنسان والشعوب بشأن حقوق المرأة
ensure greater participation of women in the planning, management and preservation of the environment and the sustainable use of natural resources at all levels;
States Parties shall take all appropriate measures to:
خ تغير بشأن الإطارية المتحدة الأمم
All Parties, taking into account their common but differentiated responsibilities and their specific national and regional development priorities, objectives and circumstances, shall:
ﺗﻌﺰﻳﺰ ﺍﻹﺩﺍﺭﺓ ﺍﳌﺴﺘﺪﺍﻣﺔ ﻭﺍﻟﻌﻤﻞ ﻭﺍﻟﺘﻌﺎﻭﻥ ﻋﻠﻰ ﺣﻔﻆ ﻭﺗﻌﺰﻳﺰ، ﺣﺴﺒﻤﺎ ﻳﻜﻮﻥ ﺫﻟﻚ ﻣﻼﺋﻤﹰﺎ، ﻣﺼﺎﺭﻑ ﻭﺧﺰﺍﻧﺎﺕ ﲨﻴﻊ ﻏﺎﺯﺍﺕ ﺍﻟﺪﻓﻴﺌﺔ ﺍﻟﱵ ﻻ ﳛﻜﻤﻬﺎ ﺑﺮﻭﺗﻮﻛﻮﻝ ﻣﻮﻧﺘﺮﻳـﺎﻝ، ﲟﺎ ﰲ ﺫﻟﻚ ﺍﻟﻜﺘﻠ ﺔ ﺍﳊﻴﻮﻳﺔ ﻭﺍﻟﻐﺎﺑﺎﺕ ﻭﺍﶈﻴﻄﺎﺕ، ﻓﻀﹰﻼ ﻋﻦ ﺍﻟﻨﻈﻢ ﺍﻹﻳﻜﻮﻟﻮﺟﻴﺔ ﺍﻷﺧﺮﻯ ﺍﻟﱪﻳـﺔ ﻭﺍﻟﺴﺎﺣﻠﻴﺔ ﻭﺍﻟﺒﺤﺮﻳﺔ؛
اتفاق باريس
اتفاق باريس
ينبغي أن تتخذ الأطراف إجراءات ترمي، حسب الاقتضاء، إلى صون وتعزيز بواليع وخزانات غازات الدفيئة وفق ما يُشار إليه في الفقرة 1(د) من المادة 4 من الاتفاقية وبما يشمل الغابات.
اتفاقية التنوع البيولوجي
اتفاقية التنوع البيولوجي
Each Contracting Party undertakes to provide, in accordance with its capabilities, financial support and incentives in respect of those national activities which are intended to achieve the objectives of this Convention, in accordance with its national plans, priorities and programmes.
The developed country Parties shall provide new and additional financial resources to enable developing country Parties to meet the agreed full incremental costs to them of implementing measures which fulfil the obligations of this Convention and to benefit from its provisions and which costs are agreed between a developing country Party and the institutional structure referred to in Article 21, in accordance with policy, strategy, programme priorities and eligibility criteria and an indicative list of incremental costs established by the Conference of the Parties. Other Parties, including countries undergoing the process of transition to a market economy, may voluntarily assume the obligations of the developed country Parties. For the purpose of this Article, the Conference of the Parties, shall at its first meeting establish a list of developed country Parties and other Parties which voluntarily assume the obligations of the developed country Parties. The Conference of the Parties shall periodically review and if necessary amend the list. Contributions from other countries and sources on a voluntary basis would also be encouraged. The implementation of these commitments shall take into account the need for adequacy, predictability and timely flow of funds and the importance of burden-sharing among the contributing Parties included in the list.
The developed country Parties may also provide, and developing country Parties avail themselves of, financial resources related to the implementation of this Convention through bilateral, regional and other multilateral channels.
The extent to which developing country Parties will effectively implement their commitments under this Convention will depend on the effective implementat ion by developed country Parties of their commitments under this Convention related to financial resources and transfer of technology and will take fully into account the fact that economic and social development and eradication of poverty are the first and overriding priorities of the developing country Parties.
The Parties shall take full account of the specific needs and special situation of least developed countries in their actions with regard to funding and transfer of technology.
The Contracting Parties shall also take into consideration the special conditions resulting from the dependence on, distribution and location of biological diversity within developing country Parties, in particular small island States.
Consideration shall also be given to the special situation of developing countries, including those that are most environmentally vulnerable, such as those with arid and semi-arid zones, coastal and mountainous areas.
There shall be a mechanism for the provision of financial resources to developing country Parties for purposes of this Convention on a grant or concessional basis the essential elements of which are described in this Article. The mechanism shall function under the authority and guidance of, and be accountable to. the Conference of the Parties for purposes of this Convention. The operations of the mechanism shall be carried out by such institutional structure as may be decided upon by the Conference of the Parties at its first meeting. For purposes of this Convention, the Conference of the Parties shall determine the policy, strategy, programme priorities and eligibility criteria relating to the access to and utilization of such resources. The contributions shall be such as to take into account the need for predictability, adequacy and timely flow of funds referred to in Article 20 in accordance with the amount of resources needed to be decided periodically by the Conference of the Parties and the importance of burden-sharing among the contributing Parties included in the list referred to in Article 20, paragraph 2. Voluntary contributions may also be made by the developed country Parties and by other countries and sources. The mechanism shall operate within a democratic and transparent system of governance.
Pursuant to the objectives of this Convention, the Conference of the Parties shall at its first meeting determine the policy, strategy and programme priorities, as well as detailed criteria and guidelines for eligibility for access to and utilization of the financial resources including monitoring and evaluation on a regular basis of such utilization. The Conference of the Parties shall decide on the arrangements to give effect to paragraph 1 above after consultation with the institutional structure entrusted with the operation of the financial mechanism.
The Contracting Parties shall consider strengthening existing financial institutions to provide financial resources for the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity.
الإعلان العالمي لحقوق الإنسان
لكل فرد الحق في أن يشترك اشتراكاً حراً في حياة المجتمع الثقافي وفي الاستمتاع بالفنون والمساهمة في التقدم العلمي والاستفادة من نتائجه.
لكل فرد الحق في التمتع بنظام اجتماعي دولي تتحقق بمقتضاه الحقوق والحريات المنصوص عليها في هذا الإعلان تحققاً تاما.
العهد الدولي الخاص بالحقوق الاقتصادية والاجتماعية والثقافية
تقر الدول الأطراف في هذا العهد بحق كل شخص في مستوى معيشي كاف له ولأسرته، يوفر ما يفي بحاجتهم من الغذاء والكساء والمأوى، وبحقه في تحسين متواصل لظروفه المعيشية. وتتعهد الدول الأطراف باتخاذ التدابير اللازمة لإنفاذ هذا الحق، معترفة في هذا الصدد بالأهمية الأساسية للتعاون الدولي القائم على الارتضاء الحر.
تتعهد كل دولة طرف في هذا العهد بأن تتخذ، بمفردها وعن طريق المساعدة والتعاون الدوليين، ولا سيما على الصعيدين الاقتصادي والتقني، وبأقصى ما تسمح به مواردها المتاحة، ما يلزم من خطوات لضمان التمتع الفعلي التدريجي بالحقوق المعترف بها في هذا العهد، سالكة إلى ذلك جميع السبل المناسبة، وخصوصا سبيل اعتماد تدابير تشريعية.
أن يتمتع بفوائد التقدم العلمي وبتطبيقاته،
تراعى الدول الأطراف في هذا العهد، في التدابير التي ستتخذها بغية ضمان الممارسة الكاملة لهذا الحق، أن تشمل تلك التدابير التي تتطلبها صيانة العلم والثقافة وإنماؤهما وإشاعتهما.
تتعهد الدول الأطراف في هذا العهد باحترام الحرية التي لا غنى عنها للبحث العلمي والنشاط الإبداعي.
تقر الدول الأطراف في هذا العهد بالفوائد التي تجنى من تشجيع وإنماء الاتصال والتعاون الدوليين في ميداني العلم والثقافة.
إعلان الأمم المتحدة بشأن حقوق الشعوب الأصلية
للشعوب الأصلية الحق في الحصول على مساعدات مالية وتقنية من الدول وعن طريق التعاون الدولي، من أجل التمتع بالحقوق المنصوص عليها في هذا الإعلان.

تعزيز الدعم العالمي للجهود الرامية إلى مكافحة الصيد غير المشروع للأنواع المحمية والاتجار بها، وذلك بوسائل تشمل زيادة قدرات المجتمعات المحلية على السعي إلى الحصول على فرص سبل كسب الرزق المستدامة.

Indicators (ar)
  • 15.c.1
    Proportion of traded wildlife that was poached or illicitly trafficked
Escazú Agreement
Regional Agreement on Access to Information, Public Participation and Justice in Environmental Matters in Latin America and the Caribbean
The Parties recognize that regional cooperation and information-sharing shall be promoted in relation to all aspects of illicit activities against the environment.
Each Party shall encourage the establishment of appropriate spaces for consultation on environmental matters or the use of those that are already in existence in which various groups and sectors are able to participate. Each Party shall promote regard for local knowledge, dialogue and interaction of different views and knowledge, where appropriate.
Protocol of San Salvador
Additional Protocol to the American Convention on Human Rights in the Area of Economic, Social and Cultural rights (Protocol of San Salvador)
The States Parties shall promote the protection, preservation, and improvement of the environment.
الميثاق الأفريقي لحقوق الإنسان والشعوب
الميثاق الأفريقي لحقوق الإنسان والشعوب
States shall have the duty, individually or collectively, to ensure the exercise of the right to development.
All peoples shall have the right to a general satisfactory environment favourable to their development.
بروتوكول الميثاق الأفريقي لحقوق الإنسان والشعوب بشأن حقوق المرأة
بروتوكول الميثاق الأفريقي لحقوق الإنسان والشعوب بشأن حقوق المرأة
protect and enable the development of women’s indigenous knowledge systems;
States Parties shall take all appropriate measures to:
اتفاقية التنوع البيولوجي
اتفاقية التنوع البيولوجي
Each Contracting Party shall, as far as possible and as appropriate:
Subject to its national legislation, respect, preserve and maintain knowledge, innovations and practices of indigenous and local communities embodying traditional lifestyles relevant for the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity and promote their wider application with the approval and involvement of the holders of such knowledge, innovations and practices and encourage the equitable sharing of the benefits arising from the utilization of such knowledge, innovations and practices;
Each Contracting Party shall, as far as possible and as appropriate, cooperate with other Contracting Parties, directly or. where appropriate, through competent international organizations, in respect of areas beyond
national jurisdiction and on other matters of mutual interest, for the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity.
Each Contracting Party shall, as far as possible and as appropriate:
Support local populations to develop and implement remedial action in degraded areas where biological diversity has been reduced;
Each Contracting Party shall, as far as possible and as appropriate, adopt economically and socially sound measures that act as incentives for the conservation and sustainable use of components of biological diversity.
Protect and encourage customary use of biological resources in accordance with traditional cultural practices that are compatible with conservation or sustainable use requirements;
إعلان الأمم المتحدة بشأن حقوق الشعوب الأصلية
للشعوب الأصلية الحق في أن تحتفظ بنظمها أو مؤسساتها السياسية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية وتطورها، وأن يتوفر لها الأمن في تمتعها بأسباب رزقها وتنميتها، وأن تمارس بحرية جميع أنشطتها التقليدية وغيرهــا من الأنشطة الاقتصادية.
للشعوب الأصلية المحرومة من أسباب الرزق والتنمية الحق في الحصول على جبر عادل ومنصف.
السلام، العدالة والمؤسسات القوية

16. السلام، العدالة والمؤسسات القوية


الحد بدرجة كبيرة من جميع أشكال العنف وما يتصل به من معدلات الوفيات في كل مكان.

Indicators (ar)
  • 16.1.2
    Conflict-related deaths per 100,000 population, by sex, age and cause, Proportion of people that feel safe walking alone around the area they live, عدد ضحايا القتل العمد لكل 100000 ألف نسمة، بحسب الفئة العمرية ونوع الجنس., النسمة المئوية للسكان الذين تعرضوا للعنف البدني أو النفسي أو الجنسي خلال الاثني عشر شهرا الماضية.
  • 16.1.4
    Conflict-related deaths per 100,000 population, by sex, age and cause, Proportion of people that feel safe walking alone around the area they live, عدد ضحايا القتل العمد لكل 100000 ألف نسمة، بحسب الفئة العمرية ونوع الجنس., النسمة المئوية للسكان الذين تعرضوا للعنف البدني أو النفسي أو الجنسي خلال الاثني عشر شهرا الماضية.
  • 16.1.1
    Conflict-related deaths per 100,000 population, by sex, age and cause, Proportion of people that feel safe walking alone around the area they live, عدد ضحايا القتل العمد لكل 100000 ألف نسمة، بحسب الفئة العمرية ونوع الجنس., النسمة المئوية للسكان الذين تعرضوا للعنف البدني أو النفسي أو الجنسي خلال الاثني عشر شهرا الماضية.
  • 16.1.3
    Conflict-related deaths per 100,000 population, by sex, age and cause, Proportion of people that feel safe walking alone around the area they live, عدد ضحايا القتل العمد لكل 100000 ألف نسمة، بحسب الفئة العمرية ونوع الجنس., النسمة المئوية للسكان الذين تعرضوا للعنف البدني أو النفسي أو الجنسي خلال الاثني عشر شهرا الماضية.
ساننإعلان الخاص بالمدافعين عن حقوق الإال
تتخذ الدولة جميع التدابير اللازمة التي تكفل لكل شخص حماية السلطات المختصة له، بمفرده وبالاشتراك مع غيره، من أي عنف، أو تهديد، أو انتقام، أو تمييز ضار فعلا أو قانونا، أو ضغط، أو أي إجراء تعسفي آخر نتيجة لممارسته أو ممارستها المشروعة للحقوق المشار إليها في هذا الإعلان.
Escazú Agreement
Regional Agreement on Access to Information, Public Participation and Justice in Environmental Matters in Latin America and the Caribbean
competent State entities with access to expertise in environmental matters;
competent State entities with access to expertise in environmental matters;
effective, timely, public, transparent and impartial procedures that are not prohibitively expensive;
effective, timely, public, transparent and impartial procedures that are not prohibitively expensive;
broad active legal standing in defence of the environment, in accordance with domestic legislation;
broad active legal standing in defence of the environment, in accordance with domestic legislation;
the possibility of ordering precautionary and interim measures, inter alia, to prevent, halt, mitigate or rehabilitate damage to the environment;
the possibility of ordering precautionary and interim measures, inter alia, to prevent, halt, mitigate or rehabilitate damage to the environment;
measures to facilitate the production of evidence of environmental damage, when appropriate and as applicable, such as the reversal of the burden of proof and the dynamic burden of proof;
measures to facilitate the production of evidence of environmental damage, when appropriate and as applicable, such as the reversal of the burden of proof and the dynamic burden of proof;
mechanisms to execute and enforce judicial and administrative decisions in a timely manner; and
mechanisms to execute and enforce judicial and administrative decisions in a timely manner; and
mechanisms for redress, where applicable, such as restitution to the condition prior to the damage, restoration, compensation or payment of a financial penalty, satisfaction, guarantees of non-repetition, assistance for affected persons and financial instruments to support redress.
mechanisms for redress, where applicable, such as restitution to the condition prior to the damage, restoration, compensation or payment of a financial penalty, satisfaction, guarantees of non-repetition, assistance for affected persons and financial instruments to support redress.
To facilitate access to justice in environmental matters for the public, each Party shall establish:
To facilitate access to justice in environmental matters for the public, each Party shall establish:
measures to minimize or eliminate barriers to the exercise of the right of access to justice;
measures to minimize or eliminate barriers to the exercise of the right of access to justice;
means to publicize the right of access to justice and the procedures to ensure its effectiveness;
means to publicize the right of access to justice and the procedures to ensure its effectiveness;
mechanisms to systematize and disseminate judicial and administrative decisions, as appropriate; and
mechanisms to systematize and disseminate judicial and administrative decisions, as appropriate; and
the use of interpretation or translation of languages other than the official languages when necessary for the exercise of that right.
the use of interpretation or translation of languages other than the official languages when necessary for the exercise of that right.
In order to give effect to the right of access to justice, each Party shall meet the needs of persons or groups in vulnerable situations by establishing support mechanisms, including, as appropriate, free technical and legal assistance.
In order to give effect to the right of access to justice, each Party shall meet the needs of persons or groups in vulnerable situations by establishing support mechanisms, including, as appropriate, free technical and legal assistance.
Each Party shall ensure that the judicial and administrative decisions adopted in environmental matters and their legal grounds are set out in writing
Each Party shall ensure that the judicial and administrative decisions adopted in environmental matters and their legal grounds are set out in writing
Each Party shall promote, where appropriate, alternative dispute resolution mechanisms in environmental matters, such as mediation, conciliation or other means that allow such disputes to be prevented or resolved.
Each Party shall promote, where appropriate, alternative dispute resolution mechanisms in environmental matters, such as mediation, conciliation or other means that allow such disputes to be prevented or resolved.
Each Party shall guarantee a safe and enabling environment for persons, groups and organizations that promote and defend human rights in environmental matters, so that they are able to act free from threat, restriction and insecurity
Each Party shall ensure that consumers and users have official, relevant and clear information on the environmental qualities of goods and services and their effects on health, favouring sustainable production and consumption patterns.
Each Party shall take the necessary measures, through legal or administrative frameworks, among others, to promote access to environmental information in the possession of private entities, in particular information on their operations and the possible risks and effects on human health and the environment.
In order to facilitate access by persons or groups in vulnerable situations to information that particularly affects them, each Party shall endeavour, where applicable, to ensure that the competent authorities disseminate environmental information in the various languages used in the country, and prepare alternative formats that are comprehensible to those groups, using suitable channels of communication.
Each Party shall use its best endeavours to publish and disseminate at regular intervals, not exceeding five years, a national report on the state of the environment, which may contain:
Such reports shall be drafted in an easily comprehensible manner and accessible to the public in different formats and disseminated through appropriate means, taking into account cultural realities. Each Party may invite the public to make contributions to these reports.
Each Party shall guarantee that environmental information systems are duly organized, accessible to all persons and made progressively available through information technology and georeferenced media, where appropriate.
Each Party shall take steps to establish a pollutant release and transfer register covering air, water, soil and subsoil pollutants, as well as materials and waste in its jurisdiction. This register will be established progressively and updated periodically.
scientific, technical or technological reports, studies and information on environmental matters produced by academic and research institutions, whether public or private, national or foreign;
climate change sources aimed at building national capacities;
information on environmental impact assessment processes and on other environmental management instruments, where applicable, and environmental licences or permits granted by the public authorities;
information on the state of the environment and natural resources, including quantitative data, where possible;
national actions to fulfil environmental legal obligations;
advances in the implementation of the access rights; and
collaboration agreements among public, social and private sectors.
an estimated list of waste by type and, when possible, by volume, location and year; and
information on the imposition of administrative sanctions in environmental matters.
Each Party shall guarantee an enabling environment for the work of persons, associations, organizations or groups that promote environmental protection, by recognizing and protecting them.
The Parties may promote knowledge of the provisions of the present Agreement in other international forums related to environmental matters, in accordance with the rules of each forum.
being informed promptly whether the requested information is in possession or not of the competent authority receiving the request;
The exercise of the right of access to environmental information includes:
requesting and receiving information from competent authorities without mentioning any special interest or explaining the reasons for the request;
Each Party shall ensure that the rights recognized in the present Agreement are freely exercised.
Each Party shall adopt the necessary measures, of a legislative, regulatory, administrative or any other nature, in the framework of its domestic provisions, to guarantee the implementation of the provisions of the present Agreement.
Each Party shall guarantee the right of every person to live in a healthy environment and any other universally-recognized human right related to the present Agreement.
Each Party shall guarantee the right of every person to live in a healthy environment and any other universally-recognized human right related to the present Agreement.
Each Party shall establish or designate one or more impartial entities or institutions with autonomy and independence to promote transparency in access to environmental information, to oversee compliance with rules, and monitor, report on and guarantee the right of access to information. Each Party may consider including or strengthening, as appropriate, sanctioning powers within the scope of the responsibilities of the aforementioned entities or institutions.
Each Party shall guarantee, to the extent possible within available resources, that the competent authorities generate, collect, publicize and disseminate environmental information relevant to their functions in a systematic, proactive, timely, regular, accessible and comprehensible manner, and periodically update this information and encourage the disaggregation and decentralization of environmental information at the subnational and local levels. Each Party shall strengthen coordination between the different authorities of the State.
Each Party shall facilitate access to environmental information for persons or groups in vulnerable situations, establishing procedures for the provision of assistance, from the formulation of requests through to the delivery of the information, taking into account their conditions and specificities, for the purpose of promoting access and participation under equal conditions.
Each Party shall guarantee that the above-mentioned persons or groups in vulnerable situations, including indigenous peoples and ethnic groups, receive assistance in preparing their requests and obtain a response.
The competent authorities shall endeavour to ensure, to the extent possible, that environmental information is reusable, processable and available in formats that are accessible, and that no restrictions are placed on its reproduction or use, in accordance with domestic legislation.
Each Party shall have in place one or more up-to-date environmental information systems, which may include, inter alia:
a list of public entities competent in environmental matters and, where possible, their respective areas of operation;
a list of polluted areas, by type of pollutant and location;
being informed of the right to challenge and appeal when information is not delivered, and of the requirements for exercising this right.
information on the use and conservation of natural resources and ecosystem services;
the texts of treaties and international agreements, as well as environmental laws, regulations and administrative acts;
reports on the state of the environment;
Each Party shall guarantee the right of access to justice in environmental matters in accordance with the guarantees of due process.
Each Party shall ensure, in the framework of its domestic legislation, access to judicial and administrative mechanisms to challenge and appeal, with respect to substance and procedure:
Each Party shall ensure, in the framework of its domestic legislation, access to judicial and administrative mechanisms to challenge and appeal, with respect to substance and procedure:
any decision, action or omission related to the access to environmental information;
any decision, action or omission related to the access to environmental information;
any decision, action or omission related to public participation in the decision-making process regarding environmental matters;
any decision, action or omission related to public participation in the decision-making process regarding environmental matters;
any other decision, action or omission that affects or could affect the environment adversely or violate laws and regulations related to the environment.
any other decision, action or omission that affects or could affect the environment adversely or violate laws and regulations related to the environment.
To guarantee the right of access to justice in environmental matters, each Party shall have, considering its circumstances:
To guarantee the right of access to justice in environmental matters, each Party shall have, considering its circumstances:
Each Party shall take adequate and effective measures to recognize, protect and promote all the rights of human rights defenders in environmental matters, including their right to life, personal integrity, freedom of opinion and expression, peaceful assembly and association, and free movement, as well as their ability to exercise their access rights, taking into account its international obligations in the field of human rights, its constitutional principles and the basic concepts of its legal system.
Each Party shall also take appropriate, effective and timely measures to prevent, investigate and punish attacks, threats or intimidations that human rights defenders in environmental matters may suffer while exercising the rights set out in the present Agreement.
اتفاقية حماية حقوق الإنسان والحريات الأساسيية
.إن حق كل شــخص فــي الحياة حق محمــي بالقانــون. لا يجوزالتسبب بالموت عمداً لأي شخص، إلا تنفيذاً لحكم بالإعدام صادر عن محكمة في حال نص القانون على هذه العقوبة جزاء على الجرم.
لا يجــوز إخضاع أي إنســان للتعذيــب ولا لعقوبــات أو معاملات غير إنسانية أو مهينة.
European Framework Convention on Minorities
Council of Europe Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities
The Parties undertake to take appropriate measures to protect persons who may be subject to threats or acts of discrimination, hostility or violence as a result of their ethnic, cultural, linguistic or religious identity.
American Declaration on the Rights and Duties of Man
Every human being has the right to life, liberty and the security of his person.
American Convention on Human Rights
Every person has the right to have his life respected. This right shall be protected by law and, in general, from the moment of conception. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his life.
Convention of Belém do Pará
Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment and Eradication of Violence Against Women
The entire convention is relevant
The Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment, and Eradication of Violence against Women (Convention of Belém do Pará) is relevant to this Target in its entirety
الميثاق الأفريقي لحقوق الإنسان والشعوب
الميثاق الأفريقي لحقوق الإنسان والشعوب
Human beings are inviolable. Every human being shall be entitled to respect for his life and the integrity of his person. No one may be arbitrarily deprived of this right.
Every individual shall have the right to the respect of the dignity inherent in a human being and to the recognition of his legal status. All forms of exploitation and degradation of man particularly slavery, slave trade, torture, cruel, inhuman of degrading punishment and treatment shall be prohibited.
Every individual shall have the right to liberty and to the security of his person. No one may be deprived of his freedom except for reasons and conditions previously laid down by law. In particular, no one may be arbitrarily arrested or detained.
الميثاق الأفريقي بشأن حقوق ورفاهية الطفل
الميثاق الأفريقي بشأن حقوق ورفاهية الطفل
Every child has an inherent right to life. This right shall be protected by law.
State Parties to the present Charter shall ensure, to the maximum extent possible, the survival, protection and development of the child.
Death sentence shall not be pronounced for crimes committed by children.
State Parties to the present Charter shall take specific legislative, administrative, social and educational measures to protect the child from all forms of torture, inhuman or degrading treatment and especially physical or mental injury or abuse, neglect or maltreatment including sexual abuse, while in the care of the child.
Protective measures under this Article shall include effective procedures for the establishment of special monitoring units to provide necessary support for the child and for those who have the care of the child, as well as other forms of prevention and for identification, reporting referral investigation, treatment, and follow-up of instances of child abuse and neglect.
State Parties to the present Charter shall in particular:
ensure that no child who is detained or imprisoned or otherwise deprived of his/her liberty is subjected to torture, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment;
بروتوكول الميثاق الأفريقي لحقوق الإنسان والشعوب بشأن حقوق المرأة
بروتوكول الميثاق الأفريقي لحقوق الإنسان والشعوب بشأن حقوق المرأة
enact and enforce laws to prohibit all forms of violence against women including unwanted or forced sex whether the violence takes place in private or public;
adopt such other legislative, administrative, social and economic measures as may be necessary to ensure the prevention, punishment and eradication of all forms of violence against women;
identify the causes and consequences of violence against women and take appropriate measures to prevent and eliminate such violence;
actively promote peace education through curricula and social communication in order to eradicate elements in traditional and cultural beliefs, practices and stereotypes which legitimise and exacerbate the persistence and tolerance of violence against women;
punish the perpetrators of violence against women and implement programmes for the rehabilitation of women victims;
establish mechanisms and accessible services for effective information, rehabilitation and reparation for victims of violence against women;
prevent and condemn trafficking in women, prosecute the perpetrators of such trafficking and protect those women most at risk;
provide adequate budgetary and other resources for the implementation and monitoring of actions aimed at preventing and eradicating violence against women;
Every woman shall be entitled to respect for her life and the integrity and security of her person. All forms of exploitation, cruel, inhuman or degrading punishment and treatment shall be prohibited.
الاتفاقية الدولية لحماية جميع الأشخاص من الاختفاء القسري
لأغراض هذه الاتفاقية، يقصد ب‍ ”الاختفاء القسري“ الاعتقال أو الاحتجاز أو الاختطاف أو أي شكل من أشكال الحرمان من الحرية يتم على أيدي موظفي الدولة، أو أشخاص أو مجموعات من الأفراد يتصرفون بإذن أو دعم من الدولة أو بموافقتها، ويعقبه رفض الاعتراف بحرمان الشخص من حريته أو إخفاء مصير الشخص المختفي أو مكان وجوده، مما يحرمه من حماية القانون.
تشكل ممارسة الاختفاء القسري العامة أو المنهجية جريمة ضد الإنسانية كما تم تعريفها في القانون الدولي المطبق وتستتبع العواقب المنصوص عليها في ذلك القانون.
لا يجوز تعريض أي شخص للاختفاء القسري.
لا يجوز التذرع بأي ظرف استثنائي كان، سواء تعلق الأمر بحالة حرب أو التهديد باندلاع حرب، أو بانعدام الاستقرار السياسي الداخلي، أو بأية حالة استثناء أخرى، لتبرير الاختفاء القسري.