Signatories for Protocol No. 7 to the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms

State Country
Ratified Albanie
Ratified Andorre
Ratified Arménie
Ratified Autriche
Ratified Azerbaïdjan
Ratified Belgique
Ratified Bosnie-Herzégovine
Ratified Bulgarie
Ratified Croatie
Ratified Chypre
Ratified Tchéquie
Ratified Danemark
Ratified Estonie
Ratified Finlande
Ratified France
Ratified Géorgie
Signed Allemagne
Ratified Grèce
Ratified Hongrie
Ratified Islande
Ratified Irlande
Ratified Italie
Ratified Lettonie
Ratified Liechtenstein
Ratified Lituanie
Ratified Luxembourg
Ratified Malte
Ratified Monaco
Ratified Monténégro
Signed Pays-Bas
Ratified Norvège
Ratified Pologne
Ratified Portugal
Ratified République de Moldova
Ratified Roumanie
Ratified Fédération de Russie
Ratified Saint-Marin
Ratified Serbie
Ratified Slovénie
Ratified Espagne
Ratified Suède
Ratified Suisse
Ratified ex-République yougoslave de Macédoine
Ratified Turquie
Ratified Ukraine