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Mål Delmål Menneskerettighedsinstrument Artikel / Beskrivelse

Gør byer, lokalsamfund og bosættelser inkluderende, sikre, robuste og bæredygtige.


Inden 2030 skal der gives universel adgang til sikre, inkluderende og tilgængelige, grønne og offentlige rum, især for kvinder og børn, for ældre mennesker og for personer med handicap.

Den gennemsnitlige andel af bebyggede områder i byer, der er åben plads til offentlig brug for alle, opdelt på køn, alder og personer med handicap
Andel af personer, der er ofre for fysisk eller seksuel chikane, opdelt på køn, alder, handicap og ulykkessted, indenfor de seneste 12 måneder
FN’s konvention om Barnets Rettigheder
Deltagerstaterne skal respektere og fremme barnets ret til fuld deltagelse i det kulturelle og kunstneriske liv og skal opmuntre til, at der stilles passende og lige muligheder til rådighed for kulturel, kunstnerisk, fritidspræget og rekreativ udfoldelse.
Konvention om afskaffelse af alle former for diskrimination imod kvinder
13 De deltagende stater skal træffe alle passende foranstaltninger til at afskaffe diskrimination imod kvinder på andre områder af det økonomiske og sociale liv for, på grundlag af ligestilling mellem mænd og kvinder, at sikre de samme rettigheder, især:
retten til at deltage i fritidsaktiviteter og sportsudøvelse samt i aktiviteter på alle områder inden for kulturlivet.
FN’s konvention om rettigheder for personer med handicap
9.1 Med henblik på at gøre det muligt for personer med handicap at få et selvstændigt liv og deltage fuldt ud i alle livets forhold skal deltagerstaterne træffe passende foranstaltninger til at sikre, at personer med handicap på lige fod med andre har adgang til de fysiske omgivelser og transportmuligheder, den information og kommunikation, herunder informations- og kommunikationsteknologi og -systemer, og de øvrige faciliteter og tilbud, der er åbne for eller gives offentligheden, både i byområder og i landdistrikter. Disse foranstaltninger, som omfatter identifikation og afskaffelse af hindringer og barrierer for tilgængelighed, gælder bl.a. for:
bygninger, veje, transportmuligheder og andre indendørs og udendørs faciliteter, herunder skoler, boliger, sygehuse og andre sundhedsfaciliteter og arbejdspladser,
9.2 Deltagerstaterne skal ligeledes træffe passende foranstaltninger til:
at udvikle, udbrede kendskabet til og overvåge gennemførelsen af minimumsstandarder og vejledninger for tilgængeligheden af faciliteter og tilbud, der er åbne for eller gives til offentligheden,
9.2 Deltagerstaterne skal ligeledes træffe passende foranstaltninger til:
at sikre, at private udbydere af faciliteter og tilbud, som er åbne for eller gives til offentligheden, tager hensyn til alle aspekter af tilgængelighed for personer med handicap,
9.2 Deltagerstaterne skal ligeledes træffe passende foranstaltninger til:
at sørge for, at involverede aktører undervises i de problemer med tilgængelighed, som personer med handicap står overfor,
30.1 Deltagerstaterne anerkender retten for personer med handicap til at tage del i kulturlivet på lige fod med andre og skal træffe alle passende foranstaltninger til at sikre, at personer med handicap:
har adgang til steder for kulturelle forestillinger eller tilbud, såsom teatre, museer, biografer, biblioteker og turisttilbud og så vidt muligt har adgang til monumenter og steder af national kulturel betydning.
Escazú Agreement
Regional Agreement on Access to Information, Public Participation and Justice in Environmental Matters in Latin America and the Caribbean
The objective of the present Agreement is to guarantee the full and effective implementation in Latin America and the Caribbean of the rights of access to environmental information, public participation in the environmental decision-making process and access to justice in environmental matters, and the creation and strengthening of capacities and cooperation, contributing to the protection of the right of every person of present and future generations to live in a healthy environment and to sustainable development.
Each Party shall guarantee the right of every person to live in a healthy environment and any other universally-recognized human right related to the present Agreement.
Each Party shall ensure that guidance and assistance is provided to the public —particularly those persons or groups in vulnerable situations— in order to facilitate the exercise of their access rights.
Each Party shall guarantee an enabling environment for the work of persons, associations, organizations or groups that promote environmental protection, by recognizing and protecting them.
Each Party shall facilitate access to environmental information for persons or groups in vulnerable situations, establishing procedures for the provision of assistance, from the formulation of requests through to the delivery of the information, taking into account their conditions and specificities, for the purpose of promoting access and participation under equal conditions.
Each Party shall guarantee that the above-mentioned persons or groups in vulnerable situations, including indigenous peoples and ethnic groups, receive assistance in preparing their requests and obtain a response.
Environmental information shall be disclosed at no cost, insofar as its reproduction or delivery is not required. Reproduction and delivery costs shall be applied in accordance with the procedures established by the competent authority. Such costs shall be reasonable and made known in advance, and payment can be waived in the event that the applicant is deemed to be in a vulnerable situation or to have special circumstances warranting such a waiver.
In order to facilitate access by persons or groups in vulnerable situations to information that particularly affects them, each Party shall endeavour, where applicable, to ensure that the competent authorities disseminate environmental information in the various languages used in the country, and prepare alternative formats that are comprehensible to those groups, using suitable channels of communication.
Each Party shall promote the participation of the public in decision-making processes, revisions, re-examinations or updates other than those referred to in paragraph 2 of the present article with respect to environmental matters of public interest, such as land-use planning, policies, strategies, plans, programmes, rules and regulations, which have or may have a significant impact on the environment.
The public authorities shall make efforts to identify and support persons or groups in vulnerable situations in order to engage them in an active, timely and effective manner in participation mechanisms. For these purposes, appropriate means and formats will be considered, in order to eliminate barriers to participation.
American Convention on Human Rights
The States Parties undertake to adopt measures, both internally and through international cooperation, especially those of an economic and technical nature, with a view to achieving progressively, by legislation or other appropriate means, the full realization of the rights implicit in the economic, social, educational, scientific, and cultural standards set forth in the Charter of the Organization of American States as amended by the Protocol of Buenos Aires.
Protocol of San Salvador
Additional Protocol to the American Convention on Human Rights in the Area of Economic, Social and Cultural rights (Protocol of San Salvador)
Everyone shall have the right to live in a healthy environment and to have access to basic public services.
The States Parties shall promote the protection, preservation, and improvement of the environment.
Everyone affected by a diminution of his physical or mental capacities is entitled to receive special attention designed to help him achieve the greatest possible development of his personality. The States Parties agree to adopt such measures as may be necessary for this purpose and, especially, to:
Undertake programs specifically aimed at providing the handicapped with the resources and environment needed for attaining this goal, including work programs consistent with their possibilities and freely accepted by them or their legal representatives, as the case may be;
Inter-American Convention on discrimination against persons with disabilities
Inter-American Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities
To achieve the objectives of this Convention, the states parties undertake:
To adopt the legislative, social, educational, labor-related, or any other measures needed to eliminate discrimination against persons with disabilities and to promote their full integration into society, including, but not limited to:
Measures to eliminate discrimination gradually and to promote integration by government authorities and/or private entities in providing or making available goods, services, facilities, programs, and activities such as employment, transportation, communications, housing, recreation, education, sports, law enforcement and administration of justice, and political and administrative activities;
Measures to ensure that new buildings, vehicles, and facilities constructed or manufactured within their respective territories facilitate transportation, communications, and access by persons with disabilities;
Measures to eliminate, to the extent possible, architectural, transportation, and communication obstacles to facilitate access and use by persons with disabilities;
African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights
The State shall ensure the elimination of every discrimination against women and also censure the protection of the rights of the woman and the child as stipulated in international declarations and conventions.
The aged and the disabled shall also have the right to special measures of protection in keeping with their physical or moral needs.
African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child
State Parties shall recognize the right of the child to rest and leisure, to engage in play and recreational activities appropriate to the age of the child and to participate freely in cultural life and the arts.
State Parties shall respect and promote the right of the child to fully participate in cultural and artistic life and shall encourage the provision of appropriate and equal opportunities for cultural, artistic, recreational and leisure activity.
The State Parties to the present Charter shall use their available resources with a view to achieving progressively the full convenience of the mentally and physically disabled person to movement and access to public highway buildings and other places to which the disabled may legitimately want to have access to.
Maputo Protocol
Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa
Women shall have the right to live in a healthy and sustainable environment.
The States Parties undertake to:
provide protection to elderly women and take specific measures commensurate with their physical, economic and social needs as well as their access to employment and professional training;
The States Parties undertake to:
ensure the protection of women with disabilities and take specific measures commensurate with their physical, economic and social needs to facilitate their access to employment, professional and vocational training as well as their participation in decision-making;
The States Parties undertake to:
ensure the protection of poor women and women heads of families including women from marginalized population groups and provide an environment suitable to their condition and their special physical, economic and social needs;