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Mål Delmål Menneskerettighedsinstrument Artikel / Beskrivelse

Handle hurtigt for at bekæmpe klimaforandringer og deres konsekvenser.


Indfri de udviklede landes forpligtelse, som underskrivere af FN's Rammekonvention om Klimaændringer, til målet om i fællesskab at mobilisere 100 mia. USD årligt inden 2020 fra alle kilder, for at imødekomme udviklingslandenes behov for meningsfulde modvirkningstiltag og gennemskuelighed ved gennemførelse og fuld igangsættelse af Den Grønne Klimafond via dens kapitalgrundlag snarest muligt.

Mobiliseret beløb i USA dollars om året med start i 2020 underlagt forpligtelsen om 100 mia. USD
Den internationale konvention om økonomiske, sociale og kulturelle rettigheder
De i denne konvention deltagende stater anerkender ethvert menneskes ret til en levefod, som er tilstrækkelig for vedkommende selv og vedkommendes familie, herunder passende ernæring, beklædning og bolig og til fortsat forbedring af vedkommendes levevilkår. De deltagende stater vil træffe passende foranstaltninger til at sikre virkeliggørelsen af denne ret, idet de anerkender, at internationalt samarbejde på frivilligt grundlag er af væsentlig betydning i denne henseende.
Kiev Protocol
Kiev Protocol on Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers to the Aarhus Convention
Consider establishing financial arrangements by consensus and technical assistance mechanisms to facilitate the implementation of this Protocol;
Escazú Agreement
Regional Agreement on Access to Information, Public Participation and Justice in Environmental Matters in Latin America and the Caribbean
The Parties shall cooperate to strengthen their national capacities with the aim of implementing the present Agreement in an effective manner.
The Parties shall give particular consideration to least developed countries, landlocked developing countries and small island developing States from Latin America and the Caribbean.
For the purposes of implementing paragraph 2 of the present article, the Parties shall promote activities and mechanisms, such as:
11.3 For the purposes of implementing paragraph 2 of the present article, the Parties shall promote activities and mechanisms, such as:
discussions, workshops, expert exchanges, technical assistance, education and observatories;
11.3 For the purposes of implementing paragraph 2 of the present article, the Parties shall promote activities and mechanisms, such as:
developing, sharing and implementing educational, training and awareness-raising materials and programmes;
11.3 For the purposes of implementing paragraph 2 of the present article, the Parties shall promote activities and mechanisms, such as:
sharing experiences of voluntary codes of conduct, guidelines, good practices and standards;
11.3 For the purposes of implementing paragraph 2 of the present article, the Parties shall promote activities and mechanisms, such as:
committees, councils and forums of multisectoral development stakeholders to address cooperation priorities and activities.
The Parties shall encourage partnerships with States from other regions, intergovernmental, non-governmental, academic and private organizations, as well as civil society organizations and other relevant stakeholders to implement the present Agreement.
The Parties recognize that regional cooperation and information-sharing shall be promoted in relation to all aspects of illicit activities against the environment.
Each Party, to the extent of its ability and in accordance with its national priorities, commits to provide the resources for national activities that are needed to fulfil the obligations derived from the present Agreement.
African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights
All peoples shall have the right to a general satisfactory environment favourable to their development.
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
De industrilandsparter og andre industrialiserede parter, der er opført i bilag II, tilvejebringer nye og supplerende finansielle ressourcer til at dække de godkendte samlede omkostninger, som udviklingslandsparterne afholder for at opfylde deres forpligtelser i henhold til artikel 12, stk. 1. De tilvejebringer også de finansielle resourcer, herunder til teknologioverførsel, som udviklingslandsparterne behøver til at dække de godkendte samlede ekstraomkostninger ved gennemførelsen af foranstaltninger, som er omfattet af stk. 1 i denne artikel, og som en udviklingslandspart har aftalt med den de i artikel 11 omhandlede internationale enheder, i overensstemmelse med den nævnte artikel. Ved opfyldelsen af disse forpligtelser tages der hensyn til, at tilførslen af midler skal være adækvat og forudsigelig, og at byrden bør fordeles passende mellem industrilandsparterne.
Industrilandsparterne og andre industrialiserede parter, der er opført i bilag II, bistår endvidere udviklingslandsparter, der er særligt sårbare over for de skadelige virkninger af klimaændringer, med at dække omkostningerne til deres tilpasning til disse skadelige virkninger.
Paris Agreement
Paris Agreement
The entire convention is relevant
The Paris Agreement is relevant to this Target in its entirety.