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Mål Delmål Menneskerettighedsinstrument Artikel / Beskrivelse

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Inden 2030 skal der sikres universel adgang til seksuelle og reproduktive sundhedstjenester, herunder familieplanlægning, oplysning og uddannelse, og integration af reproduktiv sundhed i nationale strategier og programmer.

Andel af kvinder i den reproduktive alder (15-49 år), som har fået opfyldt deres behov for familieplanlægning med moderne metoder
Fødselstal for teenagere (10-14 år, 15-19 år) pr. 1.000 kvinder i den pågældende aldersgruppe
FN’s konvention om rettigheder for personer med handicap
25 Deltagerstaterne anerkender, at personer med handicap har ret til at nyde den højest opnåelige sundhedstilstand uden diskrimination på grund af handicap. Deltagerstaterne skal træffe alle passende foranstaltninger til at sikre, at personer med handicap har adgang til sundhedsydelser, som tager hensyn til køn, herunder sundhedsrelateret rehabilitering. Deltagerstaterne skal i særdeleshed:
give personer med handicap det samme udbud af sundhedsydelser og -ordninger af samme kvalitet og standard gratis eller til en overkommelig pris, som gives til andre, herunder inden for seksuel og forplantningsmæssig sundhed samt generelle folkesundhedstilbud,
European Social Charter
European Social Charter (Revised)
Part II
De kontraherende parter går ind på, således som det er fastsat i afsnit III, at anse sig for bundet af de i de følgende artikler og stykker fastsatte forpligtelser.
For at sikre en effektiv udøvelse af retten til sundhedsmæssig beskyttelse forpligter de kontraherende parter sig til, enten umiddelbart eller i samarbejde med offentlige eller private organisationer, at træffe egnede foranstaltninger, der bl.a. tager sigte på:
så vidt muligt at fjerne årsagerne til dårligt helbred
to provide advisory and educational facilities for the promotion of health and the encouragement of individual responsibility in matters of health;
så vidt muligt at forebygge epidemiske, endemiske og andre sygdomme.
American Declaration on the Rights and Duties of Man
Every person has the right to the preservation of his health through sanitary and social measures relating to food, clothing, housing and medical care, to the extent permitted by public and community resources
Protocol of San Salvador
Additional Protocol to the American Convention on Human Rights in the Area of Economic, Social and Cultural rights (Protocol of San Salvador)
Everyone shall have the right to health, understood to mean the enjoyment of the highest level of physical, mental and social well-being.
In order to ensure the exercise of the right to health, the States Parties agree to recognize health as a public good and, particularly, to adopt the following measures to ensure that right:
Primary health care, that is, essential health care made available to all individuals and families in the community;
Extension of the benefits of health services to all individuals subject to the State's jurisdiction;
Education of the population on the prevention and treatment of health problems,
Satisfaction of the health needs of the highest risk groups and of those whose poverty makes them the most vulnerable.
Inter-American Convention on discrimination against persons with disabilities
Inter-American Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities
To achieve the objectives of this Convention, the states parties undertake:
To work on a priority basis in the following areas:
Prevention of all forms of preventable disabilities;
Convention of Belém do Pará
Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment and Eradication of Violence Against Women
Every woman has the right to the recognition, enjoyment, exercise and protection of all human rights and freedoms embodied in regional and international human rights instruments. These rights include, among others:
The right to have her physical, mental and moral integrity respected;
The rights to have the inherent dignity of her person respected and her family protected;
African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights
Every individual shall have the right to enjoy the best attainable state of physical and mental health.
States parties to the present Charter shall take the necessary measures to protect the health of their people and to ensure that they receive medical attention when they are sick.
The State shall ensure the elimination of every discrimination against women and also censure the protection of the rights of the woman and the child as stipulated in international declarations and conventions.
African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child
Every child shall be entitled to the enjoyment of the rights and freedoms recognized and guaranteed in this Charter irrespective of the child’s or his/her parents’ or legal guardians’ race, ethnic group, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national and social origin, fortune, birth or other status.
State Parties to the present Charter shall undertake to pursue the full implementation of this right and in particular shall take measures:
to develop preventive health care and family life education and provision of service;
Maputo Protocol
Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa
States Parties shall ensure that the right to health of women, including sexual and reproductive health is respected and promoted. This includes:
the right to control their fertility;
the right to decide whether to have children, the number of children and the spacing of children;
the right to choose any method of contraception;
the right to self-protection and to be protected against sexually transmitted infections, including HIV/AIDS;
the right to be informed on one's health status and on the health status of one's partner, particularly if affected with sexually transmitted infections, including HIV/AIDS, in accordance with internationally recognised standards and best practices;
the right to have family planning education.
States Parties shall take all appropriate measures to:
provide adequate, affordable and accessible health services, including information, education and communication programmes to women especially those in rural areas;
establish and strengthen existing pre-natal, delivery and post-natal health and nutritional services for women during pregnancy and while they are breast-feeding;
protect the reproductive rights of women by authorising medical abortion in cases of sexual assault, rape, incest, and where the continued pregnancy endangers the mental and physical health of the mother or the life of the mother or the foetus.

Der skal opnås universel sundhedsdækning, herunder beskyttelse mod økonomiske risici, adgang til livsvigtige sundhedsydelser af høj kvalitet, og adgang til sikker og effektiv livsvigtig kvalitetsmedicin og vacciner til en overkommelig pris for alle.

Dækningsgrad af livsvigtige sundhedsydelser (defineret som den gennemsnitlige dækning af livsvigtige ydelser i forhold til tracer interventioner, som omfatter reproduktiv sundhed og sundhed hos mødre, nyfødte og børn, smitsomme sygdomme, ikke-smitsomme sygdomme, og servicekapacitet og adgang for den generelle og de mest udsatte befolkningsgrupper)
Antal af mennesker, der er dækket af en sundhedsforsikring eller et offentligt sundhedssystem pr. 1.000 indbyggere
Verdenserklæringen om menneskerettighederne
Enhver har ret til en sådan levefod, som er tilstrækkelig til hans og hans families sundhed og velvære, herunder til føde, klæder, bolig og lægehjælp og de nødvendige sociale goder og ret til tryghed i tilfælde af arbejdsløshed, sygdom, uarbejdsdygtighed, enkestand, alderdom eller andet tab af fortjenstmulighed under omstændigheder, der ikke er selvforskyldt.
Den internationale konvention om økonomiske, sociale og kulturelle rettigheder
De i denne konvention deltagende stater anerkender ethvert menneskes ret til social tryghed, herunder socialforsikring.
De i denne konvention deltagende stater anerkender ethvert menneskes ret til at nyde den højst opnåelige fysiske og psykiske sundhed.
12.2 De foranstaltninger, deltagerne i denne konvention skal træffe for at opnå den fulde virkeliggørelse af denne ret, skal omfatte sådanne som er nødvendige for at
mindske antallet af dødfødsler og dødeligheden blandt småbørn samt fremme barnets sunde udvikling;
12.2 De foranstaltninger, deltagerne i denne konvention skal træffe for at opnå den fulde virkeliggørelse af denne ret, skal omfatte sådanne som er nødvendige for at
forbedre alle sider af de hygiejniske forhold i det menneskelige miljø og på arbejdspladsen;
12.2 De foranstaltninger, deltagerne i denne konvention skal træffe for at opnå den fulde virkeliggørelse af denne ret, skal omfatte sådanne som er nødvendige for at
forebygge, behandle og bekæmpe epidemiske og endemiske sygdomme samt erhvervs- og andre sygdomme;
12.2 De foranstaltninger, deltagerne i denne konvention skal træffe for at opnå den fulde virkeliggørelse af denne ret, skal omfatte sådanne som er nødvendige for at
skabe betingelser for at sikre ethvert menneske lægehjælp samt kur og pleje under sygdom.
FN’s konvention om Barnets Rettigheder
Deltagerstaterne anerkender barnets ret til at nyde den højest opnåelige sundhedstilstand, adgang til at få sygdomsbehandling og genoprettelse af helbredet. Deltagende stater skal stræbe mod at sikre, at intet barn fratages sin ret til adgang til at opnå sådan behandling og pleje.
24.2 Deltagerstaterne skal arbejde for fuld gennemførelse af denne ret og især tage passende forholdsregler for:
at formindske spædbørns- og børnedødeligheden;
24.2 Deltagerstaterne skal arbejde for fuld gennemførelse af denne ret og især tage passende forholdsregler for:
at sikre ydelsen af nødvendig lægelig bistand og sundhedspleje til alle børn med særlig vægt på udvikling af den primære sundhedspleje;
24.2 Deltagerstaterne skal arbejde for fuld gennemførelse af denne ret og især tage passende forholdsregler for:
at bekæmpe sygdom og underernæring, herunder inden for rammerne af den primære sundhedspleje, blandt andet ved anvendelse af let tilgængelig teknologi og gennem ydelse af tilstrækkelig og nærende mad og rent drikkevand under hensyntagen til de farer og risici, der er knyttet til forurening af miljøet;
24.2 Deltagerstaterne skal arbejde for fuld gennemførelse af denne ret og især tage passende forholdsregler for:
at sikre kvinder passende svangerskabs- og barselspleje;
24.2 Deltagerstaterne skal arbejde for fuld gennemførelse af denne ret og især tage passende forholdsregler for:
at sikre, at alle grupper i samfundet, særligt forældre og børn, oplyses om og har adgang til undervisning og støttes i brugen af grundlæggende viden om børns sundhed og ernæring, fordelene ved amning, hygiejne og rengøring af omgivelserne og forebyggelse af uheld;
24.2 Deltagerstaterne skal arbejde for fuld gennemførelse af denne ret og især tage passende forholdsregler for:
at udvikle forebyggende sundhedspleje, rådgivning af forældre, samt undervisning og bistand i forbindelse med familieplanlægning.
FN’s konvention om rettigheder for personer med handicap
25 Deltagerstaterne anerkender, at personer med handicap har ret til at nyde den højest opnåelige sundhedstilstand uden diskrimination på grund af handicap. Deltagerstaterne skal træffe alle passende foranstaltninger til at sikre, at personer med handicap har adgang til sundhedsydelser, som tager hensyn til køn, herunder sundhedsrelateret rehabilitering. Deltagerstaterne skal i særdeleshed:
give personer med handicap det samme udbud af sundhedsydelser og -ordninger af samme kvalitet og standard gratis eller til en overkommelig pris, som gives til andre, herunder inden for seksuel og forplantningsmæssig sundhed samt generelle folkesundhedstilbud,
25 Deltagerstaterne anerkender, at personer med handicap har ret til at nyde den højest opnåelige sundhedstilstand uden diskrimination på grund af handicap. Deltagerstaterne skal træffe alle passende foranstaltninger til at sikre, at personer med handicap har adgang til sundhedsydelser, som tager hensyn til køn, herunder sundhedsrelateret rehabilitering. Deltagerstaterne skal i særdeleshed:
give de sundhedsydelser, som personer med handicap specifikt har brug for på grund af deres handicap, herunder tidlig udredning og indgriben, hvor det er hensigtsmæssigt, samt tilbud med sigte på at minimere og forebygge yderligere handicap, herunder blandt børn og ældre,
25 Deltagerstaterne anerkender, at personer med handicap har ret til at nyde den højest opnåelige sundhedstilstand uden diskrimination på grund af handicap. Deltagerstaterne skal træffe alle passende foranstaltninger til at sikre, at personer med handicap har adgang til sundhedsydelser, som tager hensyn til køn, herunder sundhedsrelateret rehabilitering. Deltagerstaterne skal i særdeleshed:
kræve, at sundhedsfagligt personale yder pleje af samme kvalitet til personer med handicap som til andre, herunder på grundlag af frit afgivet og informeret samtykke, ved gennem uddannelse og udbredelse af kendskabet til etiske standarder for offentlig og privat sundhedspleje bl.a. at øge bevidstheden om de menneskerettigheder, den værdighed og autonomi og de behov, som personer med handicap har,
25 Deltagerstaterne anerkender, at personer med handicap har ret til at nyde den højest opnåelige sundhedstilstand uden diskrimination på grund af handicap. Deltagerstaterne skal træffe alle passende foranstaltninger til at sikre, at personer med handicap har adgang til sundhedsydelser, som tager hensyn til køn, herunder sundhedsrelateret rehabilitering. Deltagerstaterne skal i særdeleshed:
forbyde diskrimination af personer med handicap i forbindelse med sygeforsikringer og livsforsikringer, som skal tilbydes på retfærdige og rimelige vilkår, når sådanne forsikringer er tilladt efter national ret,
25 Deltagerstaterne anerkender, at personer med handicap har ret til at nyde den højest opnåelige sundhedstilstand uden diskrimination på grund af handicap. Deltagerstaterne skal træffe alle passende foranstaltninger til at sikre, at personer med handicap har adgang til sundhedsydelser, som tager hensyn til køn, herunder sundhedsrelateret rehabilitering. Deltagerstaterne skal i særdeleshed:
forebygge diskriminerende nægtelse af sundhedspleje eller sundhedsydelser eller af mad og drikke på grund af handicap.
Internationale konvention om beskyttelse af rettigheder for vandrende arbejdstagere og deres familiemedlemmer
Vandrende arbejdstagere og deres familiemedlemmer har ret til at modtage den lægehjælp, der er akut påkrævet for bevarelse af deres liv eller for at undgå uoprettelig skade på deres helbred på lige fod med statsborgere i den pågældende stat. En sådan akut lægehjælp må ikke nægtes dem på grund af en uregelmæssighed med hensyn til ophold eller beskæftigelse.
Vandrende arbejdstagere skal behandles på lige fod med statsborgere i beskæftigelsesstaten i forhold til:
De Forenede Nationers deklaration om oprindelige folks rettigheder
Oprindelige folk har ret til deres traditionelle former for medicin og til at opretholde deres sundhedspraksis inkl. bevarelse af deres vitale medicinske planter, dyr og mineraler. Enkeltpersoner tilhørende oprindelige folk har også, uden nogen form for diskrimination, ret til alle social­ og sundhedstjenester.
Enkeltpersoner tilhørende oprindelige folk har lige ret til opnåelse af den højest mulige standard for fysisk og mental sundhed. Staterne skal tage alle nødvendige skridt med henblik på gradvis opnåelse af den fulde realisering af denne ret.
European Social Charter
European Social Charter (Revised)
Part II
De kontraherende parter går ind på, således som det er fastsat i afsnit III, at anse sig for bundet af de i de følgende artikler og stykker fastsatte forpligtelser.
Erhvervsmæssigt beskæftigede kvinder har ret til særlig beskyttelse under deres arbejde i forbindelse med svangerskab og fødsel, og i øvrigt når det måtte findes nødvendigt.
For at sikre en effektiv udøvelse af erhvervsmæssigt beskæftigede kvinders ret til beskyttelse forpligter de kontraherende parter sig til:
at sikre kvinder adgang til en hvileperiode på sammenlagt mindst 12 uger før og efter en fødsel, enten gennem orlov med løn, gennem tilstrækkelige ydelser fra den sociale tryghed eller gennem ydelser fra offentlige midler;
For at sikre en effektiv udøvelse af retten til sundhedsmæssig beskyttelse forpligter de kontraherende parter sig til, enten umiddelbart eller i samarbejde med offentlige eller private organisationer, at træffe egnede foranstaltninger, der bl.a. tager sigte på:
så vidt muligt at fjerne årsagerne til dårligt helbred
to provide advisory and educational facilities for the promotion of health and the encouragement of individual responsibility in matters of health;
så vidt muligt at forebygge epidemiske, endemiske og andre sygdomme.
For at sikre en effektiv udøvelse af retten til social og sundhedsmæssig bistand forpligter de kontraherende parter sig til:
at sikre, at enhver, der mangler de tilstrækkelige midler til sit underhold, og som er ude af stand til at skaffe sig sådanne midler ved egen hjælp eller fra andre kilder, i særdeleshed gennem ydelser i henhold til en social tryghedsordning, modtager den fornødne hjælp og under sygdom tillige den pleje, hans tilstand kræver;
to ensure that persons receiving such assistance shall not, for that reason, suffer from a diminution of their political or social rights;
at foreskrive, at enhver skal have ret til gennem en egnet offentlig eller privat hjælpetjeneste at modtage en sådan rådgivning og personlig bistand, som måtte være nødvendig for at forebygge, afhjælpe eller lindre nød for den pågældende eller hans familie;
at anvende de i denne artikels stk. 1, 2 og 3 omhandlede bestemmelser på de øvrige kontraherende parters statsborgere, som lovligt opholder sig på deres område, på lige fod med deres egne statsborgere i overensstemmelse med deres forpligtelser ifølge den i Paris den 11. december 1953 undertegnede europæiske konvention om social og sundhedsmæssig bistand.
European Framework Convention on Minorities
Council of Europe Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities
Parterne forpligter sig til om nødvendigt at tage passende forholdsregler med henblik på inden for alle områder af det økonomiske, sociale, politiske og kulturelle liv at fremme den fulde og effektive ligestilling mellem personer, der tilhører et nationalt mindretal, og personer, der tilhører flertallet. I denne henseende skal de tage passende hensyn til de særlige forhold, som personer, der tilhører nationale mindretal, lever under.
American Declaration on the Rights and Duties of Man
Every person has the right to the preservation of his health through sanitary and social measures relating to food, clothing, housing and medical care, to the extent permitted by public and community resources
Protocol of San Salvador
Additional Protocol to the American Convention on Human Rights in the Area of Economic, Social and Cultural rights (Protocol of San Salvador)
Everyone shall have the right to social security protecting him from the consequences of old age and of disability which prevents him, physically or mentally, from securing the means for a dignified and decent existence. In the event of the death of a beneficiary, social security benefits shall be applied to his dependents.
In the case of persons who are employed, the right to social security shall cover at least medical care and an allowance or retirement benefit in the case of work accidents or occupational disease and, in the case of women, paid maternity leave before and after childbirth.
Everyone shall have the right to health, understood to mean the enjoyment of the highest level of physical, mental and social well-being.
In order to ensure the exercise of the right to health, the States Parties agree to recognize health as a public good and, particularly, to adopt the following measures to ensure that right:
Primary health care, that is, essential health care made available to all individuals and families in the community;
Extension of the benefits of health services to all individuals subject to the State's jurisdiction;
Inter-American Convention on discrimination against persons with disabilities
Inter-American Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities
To achieve the objectives of this Convention, the states parties undertake to:
To achieve the objectives of this Convention, the states parties undertake:
Collaborate effectively in:
To work on a priority basis in the following areas:
Prevention of all forms of preventable disabilities;
Scientific and technological research related to the prevention of disabilities and to the treatment, rehabilitation, and integration into society of persons with disabilities;
Early detection and intervention, treatment, rehabilitation, education, job training, and the provision of comprehensive services to ensure the optimal level of independence and quality of life for persons with disabilities;
African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights
Every individual shall have the right to enjoy the best attainable state of physical and mental health.
States parties to the present Charter shall take the necessary measures to protect the health of their people and to ensure that they receive medical attention when they are sick.
African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child
Every child shall have the right to enjoy the best attainable state of physical, mental and spiritual health.
State Parties to the present Charter shall undertake to pursue the full implementation of this right and in particular shall take measures:
to ensure the provision of necessary medical assistance and health care to all children with emphasis on the development of primary health care;
to combat disease and malnutrition within the framework of primary health care through the application of appropriate technology;
to ensure appropriate health care for expectant and nursing mothers;
to develop preventive health care and family life education and provision of service;
to integrate basic health service programmes in national development plans;
to ensure the meaningful participation of non-governmental organizations, local communities and the beneficiary population in the planning and management of basic service programmes for children;
to support through technical and financial means, the mobilization of local community resources in the development of primary health care for children.
Maputo Protocol
Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa
States Parties shall ensure that the right to health of women, including sexual and reproductive health is respected and promoted. This includes:
the right to control their fertility;
States Parties shall take all appropriate measures to:
establish and strengthen existing pre-natal, delivery and post-natal health and nutritional services for women during pregnancy and while they are breast-feeding;

Inden 2030 skal antallet af dødsfald og sygdomme som følge af udsættelse for farlige kemikalier samt luft-, vand- og jordforurening og kontaminering, væsentligt reduceres.

Dødelighed som følge af luftforurening fra husholdning og omgivende miljø
Dødelighed som følge af urent vand, dårlige sanitære forhold og manglende hygiejne (eksponering til urent vand, dårlig sanitet og hygiejne serviceydelser for alle (WASH))
Dødelighed som følge af utilsigtet forgiftning
Verdenserklæringen om menneskerettighederne
Enhver har ret til liv, frihed og personlig sikkerhed.
Enhver har ret til menings- og ytringsfrihed; denne ret omfatter frihed til at hævde sin opfattelse uden indblanding og til at søge, modtage og meddele oplysning og tanker ved et hvilket som helst meddelelsesmiddel og uanset landegrænser.
International konvention om borgerlige og politiske rettigheder
Ethvert menneske har en naturgiven ret til livet. Denne ret skal beskyttes ved lov. Ingen må vilkårligt berøves livet.
Enhver har ret til til ytringsfrihed; denne ret skal omfatte frihed til at søge, modtage og meddele oplysninger og tanker af enhver art uden hensyn til landegrænser, i mundtlig, skriftlig eller trykt form, i form af kunst eller ved andre midler efter eget valg.
Den internationale konvention om økonomiske, sociale og kulturelle rettigheder
De i denne konvention deltagende stater anerkender ethvert menneskes ret til at nyde den højst opnåelige fysiske og psykiske sundhed.
12.2 De foranstaltninger, deltagerne i denne konvention skal træffe for at opnå den fulde virkeliggørelse af denne ret, skal omfatte sådanne som er nødvendige for at
forbedre alle sider af de hygiejniske forhold i det menneskelige miljø og på arbejdspladsen;
FN’s konvention om rettigheder for personer med handicap
Deltagerstaterne bekræfter på ny, at ethvert menneske har en naturgiven ret til livet, og skal træffe alle nødvendige foranstaltninger til at sikre, at personer med handicap effektivt kan nyde denne rettighed på lige fod med andre.
Internationale konvention om beskyttelse af rettigheder for vandrende arbejdstagere og deres familiemedlemmer
Retten til liv for vandrende arbejdstagere og deres familiemedlemmer skal beskyttes ved lov.
De Forenede Nationers deklaration om oprindelige folks rettigheder
Enkeltpersoner tilhørende oprindelige folk har ret til liv, fysisk og mental integritet, frihed og personlig sikkerhed.
Staterne skal træffe effektive foranstaltninger til sikring af, at der ikke foregår oplagring eller bortskaffelse af farlige stoffer på landområder eller territorier tilhørende oprindelige folk uden deres frie, forudgående og informerede samtykke.
Staterne skal også træffe effektive foranstaltninger til sikring af, at der efter behov etableres og behørigt gennemføres programmer til overvågning, opretholdelse og genoprettelse af oprindelige folks helbred, udviklet og implementeret for de folk, som er berørt af sådanne stoffer.
Erklæring om afskaffelse af vold mod kvinder
3 Women are entitled to the equal enjoyment and protection of all human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural, civil or any other field. These rights include, inter alia:
The right to life;
Aarhus Convention
Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters
Public authorities possess and update environmental information which is relevant to their functions;
Provide in an appropriate form information on the performance of public functions or the provision of public services relating to the environment by government at all levels.
Escazú Agreement
Regional Agreement on Access to Information, Public Participation and Justice in Environmental Matters in Latin America and the Caribbean
The objective of the present Agreement is to guarantee the full and effective implementation in Latin America and the Caribbean of the rights of access to environmental information, public participation in the environmental decision-making process and access to justice in environmental matters, and the creation and strengthening of capacities and cooperation, contributing to the protection of the right of every person of present and future generations to live in a healthy environment and to sustainable development.
Each Party shall guarantee the right of every person to live in a healthy environment and any other universally-recognized human right related to the present Agreement.
The exercise of the right of access to environmental information includes:
5.2 The exercise of the right of access to environmental information includes:
requesting and receiving information from competent authorities without mentioning any special interest or explaining the reasons for the request;
5.2 The exercise of the right of access to environmental information includes:
being informed promptly whether the requested information is in possession or not of the competent authority receiving the request;
5.2 The exercise of the right of access to environmental information includes:
being informed of the right to challenge and appeal when information is not delivered, and of the requirements for exercising this right.
Each Party shall facilitate access to environmental information for persons or groups in vulnerable situations, establishing procedures for the provision of assistance, from the formulation of requests through to the delivery of the information, taking into account their conditions and specificities, for the purpose of promoting access and participation under equal conditions.
Each Party shall guarantee that the above-mentioned persons or groups in vulnerable situations, including indigenous peoples and ethnic groups, receive assistance in preparing their requests and obtain a response.
Each Party shall have in place one or more up-to-date environmental information systems, which may include, inter alia:
6.3 Each Party shall have in place one or more up-to-date environmental information systems, which may include, inter alia:
reports on the state of the environment;
6.3 Each Party shall have in place one or more up-to-date environmental information systems, which may include, inter alia:
a list of public entities competent in environmental matters and, where possible, their respective areas of operation;
6.3 Each Party shall have in place one or more up-to-date environmental information systems, which may include, inter alia:
a list of polluted areas, by type of pollutant and location;
6.3 Each Party shall have in place one or more up-to-date environmental information systems, which may include, inter alia:
information on the use and conservation of natural resources and ecosystem services;
6.3 Each Party shall have in place one or more up-to-date environmental information systems, which may include, inter alia:
scientific, technical or technological reports, studies and information on environmental matters produced by academic and research institutions, whether public or private, national or foreign;
6.3 Each Party shall have in place one or more up-to-date environmental information systems, which may include, inter alia:
information on environmental impact assessment processes and on other environmental management instruments, where applicable, and environmental licences or permits granted by the public authorities;
6.3 Each Party shall have in place one or more up-to-date environmental information systems, which may include, inter alia:
an estimated list of waste by type and, when possible, by volume, location and year; and
Each Party shall ensure the public’s right to participation and, for that purpose, commits to implement open and inclusive participation in environmental decision-making processes based on domestic and international normative frameworks.
Each Party shall guarantee mechanisms for the participation of the public in decision-making processes, revisions, re-examinations or updates with respect to projects and activities, and in other processes for granting environmental permits that have or may have a significant impact on the environment, including when they may affect health.
Each Party shall promote the participation of the public in decision-making processes, revisions, re-examinations or updates other than those referred to in paragraph 2 of the present article with respect to environmental matters of public interest, such as land-use planning, policies, strategies, plans, programmes, rules and regulations, which have or may have a significant impact on the environment.
Each Party shall adopt measures to ensure that the public can participate in the decision-making process from the early stages, so that due consideration can be given to the observations of the public, thus contributing to the process. To that effect, each Party shall provide the public with the necessary information in a clear, timely and comprehensive manner, to give effect to its right to participate in the decision-making process.
The public participation procedure will provide for reasonable timeframes that allow sufficient time to inform the public and for its effective participation.
The public shall be informed, through appropriate means, such as in writing, electronically, orally and by customary methods, and in an effective, comprehensible and timely manner, as a minimum, of the following:
7.6 The public shall be informed, through appropriate means, such as in writing, electronically, orally and by customary methods, and in an effective, comprehensible and timely manner, as a minimum, of the following:
the type or nature of the environmental decision under consideration and, where appropriate, in non-technical language;
7.6 The public shall be informed, through appropriate means, such as in writing, electronically, orally and by customary methods, and in an effective, comprehensible and timely manner, as a minimum, of the following:
the authority responsible for making the decision and other authorities and bodies involved;
7.6 The public shall be informed, through appropriate means, such as in writing, electronically, orally and by customary methods, and in an effective, comprehensible and timely manner, as a minimum, of the following:
the procedure foreseen for the participation of the public, including the date on which the procedure will begin and end, mechanisms for participation and, where applicable, the date and place of any public consultation or hearing; and
7.6 The public shall be informed, through appropriate means, such as in writing, electronically, orally and by customary methods, and in an effective, comprehensible and timely manner, as a minimum, of the following:
the public authorities involved from which additional information on the environmental decision under consideration can be requested and the procedure for requesting information.
The public’s right to participate in environmental decision-making processes shall include the opportunity to present observations through appropriate means available, according to the circumstances of the process. Before adopting the decision, the relevant public authority shall give due consideration to the outcome of the participation process.
Each Party shall ensure that, once a decision has been made, the public is informed in a timely manner thereof and of the grounds and reasons underlying the decision, including how the observations of the public have been taken into consideration. The decision and its basis shall be made public and be accessible.
The dissemination of the decisions resulting from environmental impact assessments and other environmental decision-making processes in which the public has participated shall be carried out through appropriate means, which may include written, electronic or oral means and customary methods, in an effective and prompt manner. The information disseminated shall include the established procedure to allow the public to take the relevant administrative and judicial actions.
Each Party shall establish conditions that are favourable to public participation in environmental decision-making processes and that are adapted to the social, economic, cultural, geographical and gender characteristics of the public.
When the primary language of the directly affected public is different to the official languages, the public authority shall ensure that means are provided to facilitate their understanding and participation.
Each Party shall promote, where appropriate and in accordance with domestic legislation, public participation in international forums and negotiations on environmental matters or with an environmental impact, in accordance with the procedural rules on participation of each forum. The participation of the public at the national level on matters of international environmental forums shall also be promoted, where appropriate.
Each Party shall encourage the establishment of appropriate spaces for consultation on environmental matters or the use of those that are already in existence in which various groups and sectors are able to participate. Each Party shall promote regard for local knowledge, dialogue and interaction of different views and knowledge, where appropriate.
The public authorities shall make efforts to identify and support persons or groups in vulnerable situations in order to engage them in an active, timely and effective manner in participation mechanisms. For these purposes, appropriate means and formats will be considered, in order to eliminate barriers to participation.
In the implementation of the present Agreement, each Party shall guarantee that its domestic legislation and international obligations in relation to the rights of indigenous peoples and local communities are observed.
The public authority shall make efforts to identify the public directly affected by the projects or activities that have or may have a significant impact on the environment and shall promote specific actions to facilitate their participation.
With respect to the environmental decision-making processes referred to in paragraph 2 of the present article, as a minimum, the following information shall be made public:
7.17 With respect to the environmental decision-making processes referred to in paragraph 2 of the present article, as a minimum, the following information shall be made public:
a description of the area of influence and physical and technical characteristics of the proposed project or activity;
7.17 With respect to the environmental decision-making processes referred to in paragraph 2 of the present article, as a minimum, the following information shall be made public:
a description of the main environmental impacts of the project or activity and, as appropriate, the cumulative environmental impact;
7.17 With respect to the environmental decision-making processes referred to in paragraph 2 of the present article, as a minimum, the following information shall be made public:
a description of the measures foreseen with respect to those impacts;
7.17 With respect to the environmental decision-making processes referred to in paragraph 2 of the present article, as a minimum, the following information shall be made public:
a summary of (a), (b) and (c) of the present paragraph in comprehensible, non-technical language;
7.17 With respect to the environmental decision-making processes referred to in paragraph 2 of the present article, as a minimum, the following information shall be made public:
the public reports and opinions of the involved entities addressed to the public authority related to the project or activity under consideration;
7.17 With respect to the environmental decision-making processes referred to in paragraph 2 of the present article, as a minimum, the following information shall be made public:
a description of the available technologies to be used and alternative locations for executing the project or activity subject to assessment, when the information is available; and
7.17 With respect to the environmental decision-making processes referred to in paragraph 2 of the present article, as a minimum, the following information shall be made public:
actions taken to monitor the implementation and results of environmental impact assessment measures.
7.17 With respect to the environmental decision-making processes referred to in paragraph 2 of the present article, as a minimum, the following information shall be made public:
The aforementioned information shall be made available free of charge to the public in accordance with paragraph 17 of article 5 of the present Agreement.
Each Party shall ensure, in the framework of its domestic legislation, access to judicial and administrative mechanisms to challenge and appeal, with respect to substance and procedure:
8.2 Each Party shall ensure, in the framework of its domestic legislation, access to judicial and administrative mechanisms to challenge and appeal, with respect to substance and procedure:
any decision, action or omission related to the access to environmental information;
8.2 Each Party shall ensure, in the framework of its domestic legislation, access to judicial and administrative mechanisms to challenge and appeal, with respect to substance and procedure:
any decision, action or omission related to public participation in the decision-making process regarding environmental matters;
8.2 Each Party shall ensure, in the framework of its domestic legislation, access to judicial and administrative mechanisms to challenge and appeal, with respect to substance and procedure:
any other decision, action or omission that affects or could affect the environment adversely or violate laws and regulations related to the environment.
To guarantee the right of access to justice in environmental matters, each Party shall have, considering its circumstances:
8.3 To guarantee the right of access to justice in environmental matters, each Party shall have, considering its circumstances:
competent State entities with access to expertise in environmental matters;
8.3 To guarantee the right of access to justice in environmental matters, each Party shall have, considering its circumstances:
effective, timely, public, transparent and impartial procedures that are not prohibitively expensive;
8.3 To guarantee the right of access to justice in environmental matters, each Party shall have, considering its circumstances:
broad active legal standing in defence of the environment, in accordance with domestic legislation;
8.3 To guarantee the right of access to justice in environmental matters, each Party shall have, considering its circumstances:
the possibility of ordering precautionary and interim measures, inter alia, to prevent, halt, mitigate or rehabilitate damage to the environment;
8.3 To guarantee the right of access to justice in environmental matters, each Party shall have, considering its circumstances:
measures to facilitate the production of evidence of environmental damage, when appropriate and as applicable, such as the reversal of the burden of proof and the dynamic burden of proof;
8.3 To guarantee the right of access to justice in environmental matters, each Party shall have, considering its circumstances:
mechanisms to execute and enforce judicial and administrative decisions in a timely manner; and
8.3 To guarantee the right of access to justice in environmental matters, each Party shall have, considering its circumstances:
mechanisms for redress, where applicable, such as restitution to the condition prior to the damage, restoration, compensation or payment of a financial penalty, satisfaction, guarantees of non-repetition, assistance for affected persons and financial instruments to support redress.
European Social Charter
European Social Charter (Revised)
Part II
De kontraherende parter går ind på, således som det er fastsat i afsnit III, at anse sig for bundet af de i de følgende artikler og stykker fastsatte forpligtelser.
Alle arbejdere har ret til sikre og sunde forhold under arbejdet.
For at sikre en effektiv udøvelse af retten til sikre og sunde forhold under arbejdet forpligter de kontraherende parter sig til:
at udfærdige sikkerheds- og sundhedsforskrifter
For at sikre en effektiv udøvelse af børns og unge menneskers ret til beskyttelse forpligter de kontraherende parter sig til:
at drage omsorg for særlig beskyttelse mod fysiske og moralske farer, som børn og unge mennesker er udsat for, i særdeleshed sådanne som er en direkte eller indirekte følge af deres arbejde.
For at sikre en effektiv udøvelse af retten til sundhedsmæssig beskyttelse forpligter de kontraherende parter sig til, enten umiddelbart eller i samarbejde med offentlige eller private organisationer, at træffe egnede foranstaltninger, der bl.a. tager sigte på:
så vidt muligt at fjerne årsagerne til dårligt helbred
så vidt muligt at forebygge epidemiske, endemiske og andre sygdomme.
American Declaration on the Rights and Duties of Man
Every human being has the right to life, liberty and the security of his person.
Every person has the right to the preservation of his health through sanitary and social measures relating to food, clothing, housing and medical care, to the extent permitted by public and community resources
American Convention on Human Rights
Every person has the right to have his life respected. This right shall be protected by law and, in general, from the moment of conception. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his life.
Protocol of San Salvador
Additional Protocol to the American Convention on Human Rights in the Area of Economic, Social and Cultural rights (Protocol of San Salvador)
The States Parties to this Protocol recognize that the right to work to which the foregoing article refers presupposes that everyone shall enjoy that right under just, equitable, and satisfactory conditions, which the States Parties undertake to guarantee in their internal legislation, particularly with respect to:
Safety and hygiene at work;
The prohibition of night work or unhealthy or dangerous working conditions and, in general, of all work which jeopardizes health, safety, or morals, for persons under 18 years of age. As regards minors under the age of 16, the work day shall be subordinated to the provisions regarding compulsory education and in no case shall work constitute an impediment to school attendance or a limitation on benefiting from education received;
Everyone shall have the right to health, understood to mean the enjoyment of the highest level of physical, mental and social well-being.
In order to ensure the exercise of the right to health, the States Parties agree to recognize health as a public good and, particularly, to adopt the following measures to ensure that right:
Prevention and treatment of endemic, occupational and other diseases;
Everyone shall have the right to live in a healthy environment and to have access to basic public services.
The States Parties shall promote the protection, preservation, and improvement of the environment.
Convention of Belém do Pará
Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment and Eradication of Violence Against Women
Every woman has the right to the recognition, enjoyment, exercise and protection of all human rights and freedoms embodied in regional and international human rights instruments. These rights include, among others:
The right to have her life respected;
African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights
Human beings are inviolable. Every human being shall be entitled to respect for his life and the integrity of his person. No one may be arbitrarily deprived of this right.
Every individual shall have the right to enjoy the best attainable state of physical and mental health.
States parties to the present Charter shall take the necessary measures to protect the health of their people and to ensure that they receive medical attention when they are sick.
African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child
Every child shall have the right to enjoy the best attainable state of physical, mental and spiritual health.
State Parties to the present Charter shall undertake to pursue the full implementation of this right and in particular shall take measures:
to ensure the provision of adequate nutrition and safe drinking water;
Every child shall be protected from all forms of economic exploitation and from performing any work that is likely to be hazardous or to interfere with the child’s physical, mental, spiritual, moral, or social development.
Maputo Protocol
Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa
Women shall have the right to live in a healthy and sustainable environment.
States Parties shall take all appropriate measures to:
regulate the management, processing, storage and disposal of domestic waste;
ensure that proper standards are followed for the storage, transportation and disposal of toxic waste.
Basel Convention
Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal
Parterne skal hver især træffe passende foranstaltninger med henblik på:
at sikre, at de personer, som varetager håndteringen af farligt affald eller andet affald inden for partens eget territorium, træffer de nødvendige foranstaltninger til at forhindre en forurening forårsaget af det farlige affald og andet affald frembragt i forbindelse med denne håndtering, og, såfremt en sådan forurening måtte opstå, til mest muligt at mindske virkningerne heraf på menneskers sundhed og på miljøet,
at sikre, at grænseoverskridende transport af farligt affald og andet affald begrænses til et minimum, som er foreneligt med miljømæssigt forsvarlig og effektiv håndtering af sådant affald, og foretages på en sådan måde, at menneskers sundhed og miljøet beskyttes mod de skadevirkninger, som kunne være en følge heraf,
at kræve, at oplysninger om planlagt grænseoverskridende transport af farligt affald og andet affald fremlægges for de berørte stater i henhold til Bilag V A, således at disse kan vurdere den planlagte transports virkninger på menneskers sundhed og på miljøet,
Der er intet i denne konvention, som hindrer en part i at stille yderligere krav, som er forenelige med bestemmelserne i denne konvention og i overensstemmelse med international ret med henblik på en bedre beskyttelse af menneskers sundhed og miljøet.
samarbejde om overvågning af de virkninger håndteringen af farligt affald har på menneskers sundhed og på miljøet,
Parterne skal altid, når de får kendskab til uheld under grænseoverskridende transport eller bortskaffelse af farligt affald eller andet affald, som vil kunne indebære risici for menneskers sundhed og for miljøet i andre stater, sørge for, at disse stater øjeblikkeligt bliver underrettet herom.
Parterne skal i overensstemmelse med deres nationale love og bestemmelser inden udgangen af hvert kalenderår gennem sekretariatet fremsende en beretning om det foregående kalenderår med følgende oplysninger til den i henhold til artikel 15 oprettede konference:
oplysninger om tilgængelige, relevante statistiske data de har indsamlet vedrørende virkningerne på menneskers sundhed og på miljøet af produktion, transport og bortskaffelse af farligt affald eller andet affald,

Implementering af WHO’s (Verdenssundhedsorganisationen) Rammekonvention vedrørerende Tobakskontrol i alle lande, som relevant, skal styrkes.

Aldersstandardiseret udbredelse af brug af tobak blandt personer fra 15 år og opefter
Den internationale konvention om økonomiske, sociale og kulturelle rettigheder
De i denne konvention deltagende stater anerkender ethvert menneskes ret til at nyde den højst opnåelige fysiske og psykiske sundhed.
12.2 De foranstaltninger, deltagerne i denne konvention skal træffe for at opnå den fulde virkeliggørelse af denne ret, skal omfatte sådanne som er nødvendige for at
forbedre alle sider af de hygiejniske forhold i det menneskelige miljø og på arbejdspladsen;
WHO rammekonvention om tobakskontrol
Formålet med denne konvention og dens protokoller er at beskytte nuværende og kommende generationer mod de katastrofale sundhedsmæssige, sociale, miljømæssige og økonomiske konsekvenser af tobaksforbrug og udsættelse for tobaksrøg ved at etablere en ramme for tobakskontrolforanstaltninger, som parterne skal gennemføre på nationale, regionale og internationale niveauer med henblik på vedvarende og i væsentlig grad at begrænse udbredelse af tobaksbrug og udsættelse for tobaksrøg.
Protocol of San Salvador
Additional Protocol to the American Convention on Human Rights in the Area of Economic, Social and Cultural rights (Protocol of San Salvador)
The States Parties to this Additional Protocol to the American Convention on Human Rights undertake to adopt the necessary measures, both domestically and through international cooperation, especially economic and technical, to the extent allowed by their available resources, and taking into account their degree of development, for the purpose of achieving progressively and pursuant to their internal legislations, the full observance of the rights recognized in this Protocol.
African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights
Every individual shall have the right to enjoy the best attainable state of physical and mental health.
States parties to the present Charter shall take the necessary measures to protect the health of their people and to ensure that they receive medical attention when they are sick.

Forskning og udvikling af vacciner og medicin til behandling af smitsomme og ikke-smitsomme sygdomme skal støttes, og primært indenfor områder, som påvirker udviklingslandene, fremmer adgang til livsvigtig medicin og vacciner til en overkommelig pris i overensstemmelse med Doha-erklæringen om TRIPS-aftalen og Offentlig Sundhed, og som bekræfter udviklingslandenes ret til i fuldt omfang at anvende bestemmelserne i Aftalen om Handelsrelaterede Intellektuelle Ejendomsrettigheder vedrørende fleksibilitet i beskyttelsen af offentlig sundhed, og især at sikre adgang til medicin for alle

Andel af befolkning med adgang til medicin og vacciner til en overkommelig pris, og på et bæredygtigt grundlag
Samlet offentlig nettoudviklingsbistand til medicinsk forskning og til basale sundhedssektorer
Proportion of health facilities that have a core set of relevant essential medicines available and affordable on a sustainable basis
Verdenserklæringen om menneskerettighederne
Enhver har ret til frit at deltage i samfundets kulturelle liv, til kunstnydelse og til at blive delagtiggjort i videnskabens fremskridt og dens goder.
Enhver har krav på en social og international orden, i hvilken de i denne erklæring nævnte rettigheder og friheder fuldtud kan virkeliggøres.
Den internationale konvention om økonomiske, sociale og kulturelle rettigheder
Enhver i denne konvention deltagende stat forpligter sig til såvel alene som gennem international bistand og internationalt samarbejde, navnlig på det økonomiske og tekniske område, i videst mulig udstrækning og ved alle egnede midler, herunder især lovgivningsforanstaltninger, at træffe forholdsregler med henblik på den fremadskridende fulde virkeliggørelse af de i denne konvention vedtagne rettigheder.
De i denne konvention deltagende stater anerkender ethvert menneskes ret til en levefod, som er tilstrækkelig for vedkommende selv og vedkommendes familie, herunder passende ernæring, beklædning og bolig og til fortsat forbedring af vedkommendes levevilkår. De deltagende stater vil træffe passende foranstaltninger til at sikre virkeliggørelsen af denne ret, idet de anerkender, at internationalt samarbejde på frivilligt grundlag er af væsentlig betydning i denne henseende.
15.1 De i denne konvention deltagende stater anerkender enhvers ret til at:
nyde fordel af videnskabens fremskridt og dens anvendelse;
De foranstaltninger, enhver af de i denne konvention deltagende stater træffer med henblik på at sikre denne ret, skal omfatte sådanne som er nødvendige for at bevare, udvikle og udbrede videnskab og kultur.
De i denne konvention deltagende stater forpligter sig til at respektere den frihed, der er uundværlig for videnskabelig forskning og skabende virksomhed.
De i denne konvention deltagende stater anerkender de goder, der kan opnås ved at fremme og udvikle internationale forbindelser og samarbejde på de videnskabelige og kulturelle område.
American Declaration on the Rights and Duties of Man
Every person has the right to take part in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts, and to participate in the benefits that result from intellectual progress, especially scientific discoveries. He likewise has the right to the protection of his moral and material interests as regards his inventions or any literary, scientific or artistic works of which he is the author.
American Convention on Human Rights
The States Parties undertake to adopt measures, both internally and through international cooperation, especially those of an economic and technical nature, with a view to achieving progressively, by legislation or other appropriate means, the full realization of the rights implicit in the economic, social, educational, scientific, and cultural standards set forth in the Charter of the Organization of American States as amended by the Protocol of Buenos Aires.
Protocol of San Salvador
Additional Protocol to the American Convention on Human Rights in the Area of Economic, Social and Cultural rights (Protocol of San Salvador)
The States Parties to this Additional Protocol to the American Convention on Human Rights undertake to adopt the necessary measures, both domestically and through international cooperation, especially economic and technical, to the extent allowed by their available resources, and taking into account their degree of development, for the purpose of achieving progressively and pursuant to their internal legislations, the full observance of the rights recognized in this Protocol.
The States Parties to this Protocol recognize the benefits to be derived from the encouragement and development of international cooperation and relations in the fields of science, arts and culture, and accordingly agree to foster greater international cooperation in these fields.
Inter-American Convention on discrimination against persons with disabilities
Inter-American Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities
To achieve the objectives of this Convention, the states parties undertake to:
Collaborate effectively in:
Scientific and technological research related to the prevention of disabilities and to the treatment, rehabilitation, and integration into society of persons with disabilities;
African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights
The Member States of the Organization of African Unity parties to the present Charter shall recognize the rights, duties and freedoms enshrined in this Charter and shall undertake to adopt legislative or other measures to give effect to them.

Der skal opnås en væsentlig forøgelse af sundhedsfinansiering og rekruttering, udvikling, uddannelse og fastholdelse af sundhedsarbejdsstyrken i udviklingslande, især i de mindst udviklede lande og de udviklingslande, som består af småøer.

Tæthed og fordeling af sundhedsarbejdere
Den internationale konvention om økonomiske, sociale og kulturelle rettigheder
Enhver i denne konvention deltagende stat forpligter sig til såvel alene som gennem international bistand og internationalt samarbejde, navnlig på det økonomiske og tekniske område, i videst mulig udstrækning og ved alle egnede midler, herunder især lovgivningsforanstaltninger, at træffe forholdsregler med henblik på den fremadskridende fulde virkeliggørelse af de i denne konvention vedtagne rettigheder.
De i denne konvention deltagende stater anerkender ethvert menneskes ret til en levefod, som er tilstrækkelig for vedkommende selv og vedkommendes familie, herunder passende ernæring, beklædning og bolig og til fortsat forbedring af vedkommendes levevilkår. De deltagende stater vil træffe passende foranstaltninger til at sikre virkeliggørelsen af denne ret, idet de anerkender, at internationalt samarbejde på frivilligt grundlag er af væsentlig betydning i denne henseende.
FN’s konvention om Barnets Rettigheder
Deltagerstaterne skal sikre, at institutioner, tjenester og organer med ansvar for omsorg for eller beskyttelse af børn skal være i overensstemmelse med de standarder, der er fastsat af kompetente myndigheder, særligt med hensyn til sikkerhed, sundhed, personalets antal og egnethed samt sagkyndigt tilsyn.
FN’s konvention om rettigheder for personer med handicap
32.1 Deltagerstaterne anerkender vigtigheden af internationalt samarbejde og fremme deraf til støtte for nationale bestræbelser på at virkeliggøre formålet med og målsætningerne for denne konvention og forpligter sig til at træffe passende og effektive foranstaltninger hertil mellem to eller flere stater og, hvor det er hensigtsmæssigt, i samarbejde med relevante internationale og regionale organisationer og civilsamfundet, i særdeleshed organisationer af personer med handicap. Sådanne foranstaltninger kunne bl.a. omfatte følgende:
at sikre, at det internationale samarbejde, herunder internationale udviklingsprogrammer, er inkluderende over for og tilgængeligt for personer med handicap,
American Convention on Human Rights
The States Parties undertake to adopt measures, both internally and through international cooperation, especially those of an economic and technical nature, with a view to achieving progressively, by legislation or other appropriate means, the full realization of the rights implicit in the economic, social, educational, scientific, and cultural standards set forth in the Charter of the Organization of American States as amended by the Protocol of Buenos Aires.
African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights
The Member States of the Organization of African Unity parties to the present Charter shall recognize the rights, duties and freedoms enshrined in this Charter and shall undertake to adopt legislative or other measures to give effect to them.
States parties to the present Charter shall take the necessary measures to protect the health of their people and to ensure that they receive medical attention when they are sick.
African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child
State Parties to the present Charter shall undertake to pursue the full implementation of this right and in particular shall take measures:
to ensure the provision of necessary medical assistance and health care to all children with emphasis on the development of primary health care;
to integrate basic health service programmes in national development plans;
to ensure the meaningful participation of non-governmental organizations, local communities and the beneficiary population in the planning and management of basic service programmes for children;

Alle lande, og især udviklingslandene, skal styrke deres kapacitet for tidlig varsling, risikoreduktion og håndtering af nationale og globale sundhedsrisici

Kapacitet inden for det internationale sundhedsregulativ (IHR) og sundheds-nødberedskab
Percentage of bloodstream infections due to selected antimicrobial-resistant organisms
Verdenserklæringen om menneskerettighederne
Enhver har ret til liv, frihed og personlig sikkerhed.
Enhver har ret til en fyldestgørende oprejsning ved de kompetente nationale domstole for handlinger, der krænker de fundamentale rettigheder, som forfatningen eller loven giver vedkommende.
