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Indicators (zh-hans)
  • 15.5.1
Escazú Agreement
Regional Agreement on Access to Information, Public Participation and Justice in Environmental Matters in Latin America and the Caribbean
Each Party, to the extent of its ability and in accordance with its national priorities, commits to provide the resources for national activities that are needed to fulfil the obligations derived from the present Agreement.
mechanisms for redress, where applicable, such as restitution to the condition prior to the damage, restoration, compensation or payment of a financial penalty, satisfaction, guarantees of non-repetition, assistance for affected persons and financial instruments to support redress.
Each Party shall ensure the public’s right to participation and, for that purpose, commits to implement open and inclusive participation in environmental decision-making processes based on domestic and international normative frameworks.
In order to facilitate access by persons or groups in vulnerable situations to information that particularly affects them, each Party shall endeavour, where applicable, to ensure that the competent authorities disseminate environmental information in the various languages used in the country, and prepare alternative formats that are comprehensible to those groups, using suitable channels of communication.
Each Party shall guarantee mechanisms for the participation of the public in decision-making processes, revisions, re-examinations or updates with respect to projects and activities, and in other processes for granting environmental permits that have or may have a significant impact on the environment, including when they may affect health.
Each Party shall guarantee that in the case of an imminent threat to public health or the environment, the relevant competent authority shall immediately disclose and disseminate through the most effective means all pertinent information in its possession that could help the public take measures to prevent or limit potential damage. Each Party shall develop and implement an early warning system using available mechanisms.
information on environmental impact assessment processes and on other environmental management instruments, where applicable, and environmental licences or permits granted by the public authorities;
an estimated list of waste by type and, when possible, by volume, location and year; and
information on the imposition of administrative sanctions in environmental matters.
Each Party shall guarantee that environmental information systems are duly organized, accessible to all persons and made progressively available through information technology and georeferenced media, where appropriate.
requesting and receiving information from competent authorities without mentioning any special interest or explaining the reasons for the request;
being informed promptly whether the requested information is in possession or not of the competent authority receiving the request;
The exercise of the right of access to environmental information includes:
Each Party shall adopt the necessary measures, of a legislative, regulatory, administrative or any other nature, in the framework of its domestic provisions, to guarantee the implementation of the provisions of the present Agreement.
The objective of the present Agreement is to guarantee the full and effective implementation in Latin America and the Caribbean of the rights of access to environmental information, public participation in the environmental decision-making process and access to justice in environmental matters, and the creation and strengthening of capacities and cooperation, contributing to the protection of the right of every person of present and future generations to live in a healthy environment and to sustainable development.
Each Party shall guarantee the right of every person to live in a healthy environment and any other universally-recognized human right related to the present Agreement.
Each Party shall guarantee, to the extent possible within available resources, that the competent authorities generate, collect, publicize and disseminate environmental information relevant to their functions in a systematic, proactive, timely, regular, accessible and comprehensible manner, and periodically update this information and encourage the disaggregation and decentralization of environmental information at the subnational and local levels. Each Party shall strengthen coordination between the different authorities of the State.
Each Party shall facilitate access to environmental information for persons or groups in vulnerable situations, establishing procedures for the provision of assistance, from the formulation of requests through to the delivery of the information, taking into account their conditions and specificities, for the purpose of promoting access and participation under equal conditions.
Each Party shall guarantee that the above-mentioned persons or groups in vulnerable situations, including indigenous peoples and ethnic groups, receive assistance in preparing their requests and obtain a response.
Each Party shall have in place one or more up-to-date environmental information systems, which may include, inter alia:
a list of public entities competent in environmental matters and, where possible, their respective areas of operation;
a list of polluted areas, by type of pollutant and location;
information on the use and conservation of natural resources and ecosystem services;
being informed of the right to challenge and appeal when information is not delivered, and of the requirements for exercising this right.
scientific, technical or technological reports, studies and information on environmental matters produced by academic and research institutions, whether public or private, national or foreign;
the texts of treaties and international agreements, as well as environmental laws, regulations and administrative acts;
reports on the state of the environment;
Each Party shall ensure, in the framework of its domestic legislation, access to judicial and administrative mechanisms to challenge and appeal, with respect to substance and procedure:
any decision, action or omission related to the access to environmental information;
any decision, action or omission related to public participation in the decision-making process regarding environmental matters;
any other decision, action or omission that affects or could affect the environment adversely or violate laws and regulations related to the environment.
To guarantee the right of access to justice in environmental matters, each Party shall have, considering its circumstances:
Protocol of San Salvador
Additional Protocol to the American Convention on Human Rights in the Area of Economic, Social and Cultural rights (Protocol of San Salvador)
The States Parties shall promote the protection, preservation, and improvement of the environment.
African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights
States shall have the duty, individually or collectively, to ensure the exercise of the right to development.
All peoples shall have the right to a general satisfactory environment favourable to their development.
All peoples shall freely dispose of their wealth and natural resources. This right shall be exercised in the exclusive interest of the people. In no case shall a people be deprived of it.
Maputo Protocol
Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa
protect and enable the development of women’s indigenous knowledge systems;
Women shall have the right to live in a healthy and sustainable environment.
States Parties shall take all appropriate measures to:
Convention on Biological Diversity
Each Contracting Party shall, as far as possible and as appropriate:
Subject to its national legislation, respect, preserve and maintain knowledge, innovations and practices of indigenous and local communities embodying traditional lifestyles relevant for the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity and promote their wider application with the approval and involvement of the holders of such knowledge, innovations and practices and encourage the equitable sharing of the benefits arising from the utilization of such knowledge, innovations and practices;
Develop, where necessary, guidelines for the selection, establishment and management of protected areas or areas where special measures need to be taken to conserve biological diversity;
Regulate or manage biological resources important for the conservation of biological diversity whether within or outside protected areas, with a view to ensuring their conservation and sustainable use;
Promote the protection of ecosystems, natural habitats and the maintenance of viable populations of species in natural surroundings;
Promote environmentally sound and sustainable development in areas adjacent to protected areas with a view to furthering protection of these areas;
Rehabilitate and restore degraded ecosystems and promote the recovery of threatened species, inter alia, through the development and implementation of plans or other management strategies;
Each Contracting Party shall, as far as possible and as appropriate, in particular for the purposes of Articles 8 to 10:
Identify components of biological diversity important for its conservation and sustainable use having regard to the indicative list of categories set down in Annex I;
Monitor, through sampling and other techniques, the components of biological diversity identified pursuant to subparagraph (a) above, paying particular attention to those requiring urgent conservation measures and those which offer the greatest potential for sustainable use;
Identify processes and categories of activities which have or are likely to have significant adverse impacts on the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity, and monitor their effects through sampling and other techniques;
Maintain and organize, by any mechanism data, derived from identification and monitoring activities pursuant to subparagraphs (a), (b) and (c) above.
Establish a system of protected areas or areas where special measures need to be taken to conserve biological diversity;
Each Contracting Party shall, in accordance with its particular conditions and capabilities:
Develop national strategies, plans or programmes for the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity or adapt for this purpose existing strategies, plans or programmes which shall reflect, inter alia, the measures set out in this Convention relevant to the Contracting Party concerned;
Integrate, as far as possible and as appropriate, the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity into relevant sectoral or cross-sectoral plans, programmes and policies.
Introduce appropriate procedures requiring environmental impact assessment of its proposed projects that are likeiy to have significant adverse effects on biological diversity with a view to avoiding or minimizing such effects and, where appropriate. allow for public participation in such procedures;
Introduce appropriate arrangements to ensure that the environmental consequences of its programmes and policies that are likely to have significant adverse impacts on biological diversity are duly taken into account;
Promote, on the basis of reciprocity, notification, exchange of information and consultation on activities under their jurisdiction or control which are likely to significantly affect adversely the biological diversity of other States or areas beyond the limits of national jurisdiction, by encouraging the conclusion of bilateral, regional or multilateral arrangements, as appropriate;
In the case of imminent or grave danger or damage, originating under its jurisdiction or control, to biological diversity within the area under jurisdiction of other States or in areas beyond the limits of national jurisdiction, notify immediately the potentially affected States of such danger or damage, as well as initiate action to prevent or minimize such danger or damage;
The Conference of the Parties shall examine, on the basis of studies to be carried out, the issue of liability and redress, including restoration and compensation, for damage to biological diversity, except where such liability is a purely internal matter.
Regulate and manage collection of biological resources from natural habitats for ex-situ conservation purposes so as not to threaten ecosystems and in-situ populations of species, except where special temporary ex-si tu measures are required under subparagraph (c) above;
Cooperate in providing financial and other support for ex-situ conservation outlined in subparagraphs (a) to (d) above and in the establishment and maintenance of ex-situ conservation facilities in developing countries.
Each Contracting Party shall, as far as possible and as appropriate:
Integrate consideration of the conservation and sustainable use of biological resources into national decision-making;
Each Contracting Party, as far as possible and as appropriate, shall:
Establish or maintain means to regulate, manage or control the risks associated with the use and release of living modified organisms resulting from biotechnology which are likely to have adverse environmental impacts that could affect the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity, taking also into account the risks to human health;
Prevent the introduction of, control or eradicate those alien species which threaten ecosystems, habitats or species;
Endeavour to provide the conditions needed for compatibility between present uses and the conservation of biological diversity and the sustainable use of its components;
Develop or maintain necessary legislation and/or other regulatory provisions for the protection of threatened species and populations
Where a significant adverse effect on biological diversity has been determined pursuant to Article 7, regulate or manage the relevant processes and categories of activities
Support local populations to develop and implement remedial action in degraded areas where biological diversity has been reduced;
Encourage cooperation between its governmental authorities and its private sector in developing methods for sustainable use of biological resources.
Each Contracting Party shall, as far as possible and as appropriate, adopt economically and socially sound measures that act as incentives for the conservation and sustainable use of components of biological diversity.
The Contracting Parties, taking into account the special needs of developing countries, shall:
Establish and maintain programmes for scientific and technical education and training in measures for the identification, conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity and its components and provide support for such education and training for the specific needs of developing countries;
Promote and encourage research which contributes to the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity, particularly in developing countries, inter alia, in accordance with decisions of the Conference of the Parties taken in consequence of recommendations of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice;
In keeping with the provisions of Articles 16. 13 and 20. promote and cooperate in the use of scientific advances in biological diversity research in developing methods for conservation and sustainable use of biological resources;
Adopt measures relating to the use of biological resources to avoid or minimize adverse impacts on biological diversity;
Protect and encourage customary use of biological resources in accordance with traditional cultural practices that are compatible with conservation or sustainable use requirements;
Cooperate in providing financial and other support for in-situ conservation outlined in subparagraphs (a) to (1) above, particularly to developing countries
Each Contracting Party shall, as far as possible and as appropriate, and predominantly for the purpose of complementing in-situ measures:
Adopt measures for the ex-si tu conservation of components of biological diversity, preferably in tne country of origin of such components
Establish and maintain facilities for ex-situ conservation of and research on plants, animals and micro-organisms, preferably in the country of origin of genetic resources;
Adopt measures for the recovery and rehabilitation of threatened species and for their reintroduction into their natural habitats under appropriate conditions;
联合国关于在发生严重干旱和或荒漠化 的国家特别是在非洲防治荒漠化的公约
联合国关于在发生严重干旱和或荒漠化 的国家特别是在非洲防治荒漠化的公约
实现这项目标将包括一项长期的综合战略,同时在受影响地区重点提高土地生产力,恢 复、保护并以可持续的方式管理土地和水资源,从而改善特别是社区一级的生活条件。
考虑到各个受影响国家缔约方有其具体的情况和要求,国家行动方案,除其他外,酌情 包括下列某些或所有涉及在受影响地区防治荒漠化和缓解干旱影响、涉及其人口的优先领 域措施:提倡另谋生计并改善国家经济环境,以争取加强消灭贫困方案,加强粮食保障; 人口动态;以可持续方式管理自然资源;实行可持续的农业方式;开发和高效率地使用各 种能源;体制和法律框架;加强评估和系统观察能力包括水文和气象服务以及能力建设、 教育和公众意识。
_x0007_缔约方应当本着伙伴关系的精神在政府所有各级、社区、非政府组织和土地所有者之 间发展合作,更好地认识受影响地区土地资源和稀缺的水资源的性质和价值,并争取 以可持续的方式利用这些资源;及
)تعزيز التعاون فيما بني الأطراف من البلدان املتأثرة في ميادين احلماية البيئية وحفظ املوارد من الأراضي واملوارد املائية، من حيث صلتها بالتصحر واجلفاف؛
缔约方应鼓励协调遵照本《公约》开展的活动,如果它们是其他有关国际协定的缔约方, 则亦应协调遵照其他有关国际协定,特别是《联合国气候变化框架公约》和《生物多样性公 约》开展的活动,以便争取按每一协定开展的活动都能产生最大成效,同时避免工作重复。缔约方应鼓励执行联合方案,特别是在研究、培训、系统观察和信息收集与交流领域,争取 使这些活动有助于实现有关协定的目标。
Ramsar convention
Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat
The Contracting Parties shall formulate and implement their planning so as to promote the conservation of the wetlands included in the List, and as far as possible the wise use of wetlands in their territory.
Each Contracting Party shall promote the conservation of wetlands and waterfowl by establishing nature reserves on wetlands, whether they are included in the List or not, and provide adequately for their wardening.
Where a Contracting Party in its urgent national interest, deletes or restricts the boundaries of a wetland included in the List, it should as far as possible compensate for any loss of wetland resources, and in particular it should create additional nature reserves for waterfowl and for the protection, either in the same area or elsewhere, of an adequate portion of the original habitat.
The Contracting Parties shall encourage research and the exchange of data and publications regarding wetlands and their flora and fauna.
The Contracting Parties shall endeavour through management to increase waterfowl populations on appropriate wetlands.
The Contracting Parties shall promote the training of personnel competent in the fields of wetland research, management and wardening.
土著人民对他们传统上拥有、占有或以其他方式使用或获得的土地、领 土和资源拥有权利。
土著人民有权拥有、使用、开发和控制因他们传统上拥有或其他传统上 的占有或使用而持有的,以及他们以其他方式获得的土地、领土和资源。
土著人民有权养护和保护其土地或领土和资源的环境和生产能力。各国 应不加歧视地制定和执行援助土著人民进行这种养护和保护的方案。
各国应采取有效措施,确保未事先获得土著人民的自由知情同意,不得 在其土地或领土上存放或处置危险物质。